Thursday , 19 September 2024


Stock Market Performances in 21 Countries – Is Your’s Doing Better or Worse?

A lot has been made of strong stock market returns around the world so far this year, but adjusting for currency moves, the returns look a little less flattering. The U.S. dollar is up nearly 4% year to date, while currencies like the Japanese yen, the British pound and the euro are all down. Below is a look at the year-to-date stock market performance of 21 major countries around the world. For each country, we highlight its 2013 performance in local currency vs. U.S. dollar adjusted terms.

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S&P 500 Stocks Most Overbought & Most Undersold (+2K Views)

The average S&P 500 stock is currently 4.33% above its 50-day, which is a very high reading. The S&P 500 itself is trading 3.5% above its 50-day. Below is a list of the 35 S&P 500 stocks that are currently trading the farthest above their 50-days and a list of the 35 that are the farthest below.

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Dow 30 and ALL 10 Sectors Are OVERbought!

The continuation of the rally has left the S&P 500 and all 10 sectors in overbought territory. All but 6 of the Dow 30 stocks are trading in overbought territory as well. Take a look at the details in the 2 tables below.

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“Graham Stocks” Dramatically Outperform the S&P 500 – Why Invest Any Other Way? (+3K Views)

My portfolio version of Benjamin Graham’s time- tested strategy for defensive investors has has only trailed the markets in 3 of the last 12 years and has dramatically outperformed the S&P 500 during that period realizing a 19% (annualized) return vs. only 2% (annualized) for the S&P 500. Let's take a look at the method and this year's group of Graham stocks. Words: 790

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Commodities: How Big a Player Is Russia & How Best Can Its Strengths Be Played? (+2K Views)

Russia may be the ninth largest economy in the world by nominal gross domestic product, but its abundance of natural resources in the Ural Mountains, Siberia and the Russian Far East makes it much more important in the world of commodities. Below, we dissect Russia’s commodity industry to give investors an in-depth look...and some specific ideas on how investors might participate. Words: 935

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No Stock Market Correction Coming – Yet (+2K Views)

While I remain cautious on stocks and the risk trade, the technical picture shows that the uptrend to be intact and the bulls should still be given the benefit of the doubt for now. At this point, any call for a correction is at best conjecture [as evidenced by the following 4 indicators]. Words: 399; Charts: 4

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Gold Miners Have Hit Rock Bottom! Now’s the Ultimate Buying Opportunity (+2K Views)

Looking at the recent Gold Miners price action and crash-like conditions, I cannot hide my excitement. As we judge the recent cyclical bear market within the longer term secular uptrend, we can see that Gold Miners are becoming very attractive. Whether it is the technically oversold levels that only occur a handful of times over a generation, the rock bottom valuations on nominal or relative basis, or the extreme sentiment that the overall sector is going through, all of these indicators point to one conclusion: we are fast approaching a major buying opportunity. [I support that contention below with the use of 8 charts and a full explanation of each.] Words: 1133; Charts: 8

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