Monday , 16 September 2024


Do You Actually Own “Your” Gold Given What’s Happened in Cyprus & Proposed In Canada/E.U.? (+7K Views)

To believe that governments...[won't confiscate your] gold to help support their national finances... would be naïve, especially in light of past and recent events. That's why it is now incumbent on all investors to look at the meaning of ownership in investing and investors' vulnerability to government confiscation as well as vulnerability to exchange and capital controls. We do this below.

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Silver: The New Gold? An Infographic (+2K Views)

While gold remains a smart move, there’s much to be said for silver. Why? Because, unlike gold, silver has an inherent value that goes well beyond scarcity. Without silver the world as we know it would literally stop. The computer screen on which you are reading these words, has silver in it. The TV you watch, has silver in it…and the list goes on and on.

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