Saturday , 7 September 2024


Gold: What Caused the Latest Bloodbath & Why

Right now gold has no friends. Even some of its biggest proponents are declaring the bull market to be over...Let’s kick around a ‘short list’ of potential reasons for what caused the latest bloodbath. Words: 1170

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What We Like & Don’t Like About Gold

Whenever a sharp and unexpected correction occurs after many years of gains, one is forced to take a step back and consider whether the bull market has breathed its last. Frankly, we don't think it has, but the best way to go about this exercise is to consider legitimate bearish arguments. Words: 1853

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Gold & Silver Plunge Is Just An Expected Reversion to the Mean – Nothing More (+2K Views)

The recent plunge in gold prices below $1500 an ounce has suddenly awoken, well, just about everyone. The “gold bugs” are yelling that it is a conspiracy theory by the Fed while the stock market bulls say it is a sign that the Fed has achieved its goal of creating economic growth. Unfortunately, both arguments, while great for headlines, are wrong...The simple truth is that...

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The Best Article On “What Happened to the Price of Gold & Why?” (+2K Views)

What happened?! is the question so many are asking about Friday’s waterfall in prices. A better question is, “Why?” Outside of the insiders, no one really knows. Yes, there can be some fairly cogent explanations, lots of glib answers, but no one knows, for sure. What we do know for sure is that the market is always the final arbiter [and this is what the market is saying:]

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Drop in Gold & Silver An Attempt to Crush PM Advocates (+2K Views)

Everyone personally holding physical gold and silver, as we have been recommending, has no margin call to meet and no reason to sell. This is a temporary situation, and it will pass. Now is not the time to panic, as that is the intent of the central planners/bankers in forcing gold and silver through strong support levels. Stay the course. To the extent you can, continue buying the physical metal.

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You’re Being Played! Don’t Sell Your Gold! It’s Going MUCH Higher – Soon! (+3K Views)

The paper gold market is being used to shake the bullish tree harder this time than any time before because of what is to come. Fear is the most powerful emotion in markets and it is being used perfectly to enrich the grand names of finance at your expense. We are right in front of that time when the market performs a classic bottom both in shares and physical. From this point gold is going to and through $3500 [so] if you are unable to buy at this time there is one thing you can do - to get into the fight and out of the stands. That act is do nothing, and do not capitulate. Let them play the price game, but give them nothing whatsoever of yours. Words: 758

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