Saturday , 7 September 2024


The 12 Most Spread Myths About Gold As An Investment

It would appear that the price of gold has fallen enough to qualify as a "bear market," and we've begun hearing about what a terrible investment gold is now… and throughout recorded history. Below are the 12 most commonly-spread myths about gold as an investment.

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Copper Waterfall Suggests Drop in S&P 500 is Coming – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Dr. Copper, as it is affectionately known, has been a longstanding barometer of economic growth and historically has shown a high positive correlation to the S&P 500. However, over the past several quarters there has been an increasingly large disconnect between the performance of major indices and the price of copper. With copper hitting YTD lows it suggests that there is less demand and that growth is slowing down and this, in turn, forecasts lower levels for the S&P 500. Words: 420

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The Secret World of Gold: An Exceptional Documentary Video

In recent years, economic uncertainty has given gold a new luster in the world of high finance. Whether it's a few gold coins or gold bars stored in one of the many vaults around the world, many investors are taking a shine to it. This 3-part documentary explores the power and politics of gold.

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Gold: Crash? What Crash?

"What crash?" Gold is still up almost 500% since 2001. How does the S&P and Dow compare over that timeframe? Better yet, how about Apple stock? There is no other investment sector/space as they like to say these days, which can come close. So again I ask "What crash?"

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Talk of Gold Manipulation Is Just a Bunch of Bunk!

Everyone wants to know why. Why did this happen? Could the prices fall further? If so, how much? In this article, I address these questions and put them into perspective. I shine some light onto the conventional manipulation theory and also the very idea of holding gold waiting for a higher gold price.

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8 Reasons Why Gold Crashed & Will Likely Continue to Decline

In my article of April 5th, posted here, I maintained that in the next year, and particularly for the next three to six months, a liquidation phase in the current cyclical bear market in gold would likely develop,,,[causing gold to] fall sharply. [Below are the 8 reasons I mentioned back then which still remain relevant today.]

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