Friday , 18 October 2024


Performance Update/Comparison of Global Asset Classes, US Equities & Gold (+2K Views)

US equities remain the only major asset class not [to] experience a bear market or an annualised negative performance during the current investment cycle. This is very rare. The last time US equities posted even a -1% annualised total return was back in middle of 2009, almost five years ago. [As such,] this asset class now presents the most risk to long term investors. [Read on, there's more!] Words: 676; Charts: 3

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Why Are Stock Prices Being Manipulated UP & Gold & Silver DOWN? Here’s Why (+2K Views)

The tactic by the Fed and Central Banks is to inflate the stock markets while manipulating the price of gold and silver lower and it's working. They are deluding the public into believing their 401ks, pension plans, stocks etc. are safe investments in a deteriorating economy, while at the same time destroying the faith in owning gold and silver. [An analysis of the Dow/silver, Dow/gold and Dow/HUI ratios make that very evident. Let's take a look.] Words: 555; Charts: 3

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Bitcoin vs. the U.S. Dollar – No Contest – Ever! (+3K Views)

Ever since the Federal Reserve embarked on its easy money campaign, everyone and their mother has been on a crusade for an alternative reserve currency. [The euro and China's yuan have been talked about - and dismissed - as realistic contenders and]...during the world's desperate search, the Federal Reserve has just continued printing more money. That has only intensified the desire for an alternative. Enter Bitcoin. Ultimately, however, it is all about greed - not a genuine interest in a fundamentally stronger alternative to the status quo - that's driving Bitcoin prices so forget Bitcoin being a contender as an alternative currency. At best, it's a speculative investment, and a very speculative one at that.

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Gold & Silver: Don’t Wait for the Bottom – “Average Down”. Here’s Why

You cannot control what others do, especially those in power. You can control what you do. Just keep buying, regardless of price, because if/when the price of gold and silver were to go lower, you may not be able to buy. If/when the price of gold and silver were to go higher, it may be at such an accelerated rate that any price in the past few years seem cheap. Words: 550

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Stock Markets Ripe for a MAJOR Selloff – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Despite bulls’ assertions otherwise, the stock markets are not cheap today.  They are quite expensive and very overbought, ripe for a serious selloff. The S&P 500 stock index now has average valuations matching the ones seen in October 2007 when the last cyclical bull topped. Valuations should be around 12x or 13x now, 13 years into this 17-year secular bear.  …

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