Friday , 18 October 2024


Don’t Bail Out of Stocks & Pile Into Cash – Here’s Why

Don't give in to your flight instinct in response to the latest stock market volatility. Running for cover in cash right now promises to be the worst possible move. I know, I know. Cash is supposed to be the ultimate safe haven. A riskless investment, if you will but, in truth, cash is the proverbial "Death Star". [Let me explain why and show you some irrefutable proof.] Words: 544; Charts: 3

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Don’t Abandon Stocks In Spite Of Ongoing Volatility – Here’s Why

Stocks rallied through May this year mostly on expectations of continued easy money from the Federal Reserve but after the Fed indicated last week that tapering could begin as early as this fall, coupled with concerns about Chinese growth, stocks sharply reversed course and Treasury yields spiked. I expect market volatility to last through the summer as investors remain uncertain about the future of monetary policy and the strength of the global recovery. That said, I wouldn’t advocate abandoning stocks. Here's 3 reasons why.

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S&P 500 Likely to Drop Further – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

I believe this sell-off is a good thing for the market - as the outcome will show us where fair value might be. I believe that we will see the market return to a more reasonable forward P/E of 13, sending SPY to $150.00 - or another 5 percent decline. [Let me explain further.]

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U.S. Financial Markets, Addicted to Smack (Easy Money), Are Expressing Fear of Eventual Withdrawal (of Juice) +2K Views

Just the mere suggestion that this round of quantitative easing will eventually end if the economy improves is enough to severely rattle Wall Street. U.S. financial markets have become completely and totally addicted to easy money, and nobody is quite sure what is going to happen when the Fed takes the "smack" away. When that day comes, will the largest bond bubble in the history of the world burst? Will interest rates rise dramatically? Will it throw the U.S. economy into another deep recession? Can the Fed fix this mess without it totally blowing up?

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Country Risk Ratings Ranked 1 – 47 (+4K Views)

Precious metal miners operate in a large variety of countries and our interest in these mining companies on the one hand and country risk exposure on the other led us to compile a comprehensive list of jurisdictions of concern to precious metal investors....[numbering 47 in total. All 47 countries are ranked below].

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