Friday , 20 September 2024


Gold Up Big Time in 4 of These 7 Top Currencies

Gold is up significantly in 4 of the 7 top currencies (the euro, British pound, Australian and Canadian dollars), up respectably in 2 others (U.S. dollar and Japanese yen) and down slightly in the last (Swiss franc) demonstrating amply the value of gold as a hedge, not just against inflation, but against sudden currency devaluation and systemic financial and economic risks as well.

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Gold: 42 Specific Peak Price Predictions (+5K Views)

Over the years only 42 pundits have been bold enough to provide a specific date as to when their forecast for the future price of gold (and silver, in some cases) would be realized. This article provides that information along with the criteria & rationale for their determinations.

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Rickards, Roubini, Sinclair et al On the Future Of Gold & Silver (+3K Views)

The internet is awash with analysts who believe that gold is going to $7,250+forecasting crystal ball and as low as $725 and that silver is going down to $12 or higher than $120. Such pundits (Roubini, Sinclair, Rickards, Willie and Edelson to name a few) grab a lot of attention in the media but are their prognostications worth paying attention to or are they just a lot of hot air?

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Noonan on Gold & Silver: Be Patient – Wait For the Market to Prove Itself

In spite of the positive change of behavior we have seen in gold and silver this past week with strong closes and increased volume - both attributes of buyers in more control than sellers - the weekly trend remains down. While we now see some steps in the right direction - a higher swing high - the market needs to prove itself and once that happens there will be ample opportunities to participate in the paper market.

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