Tuesday , 22 October 2024


Many Financial Advisors Are “Super-Slimy”! Here’s Why

The odds are that you will run out of money in retirement and much of the reason can be attributed to the "super-slimy" so-called financial advisors who are bleeding savers dry as they line their own pockets with excessive fees at the expense of their clients. Here are the details:

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Martin Armstrong Believes A Sovereign Debt “Big Bang” Is Underway – Here’s Why (+4K Views)

Martin Armstrong sees a peak in bond prices by October 1st, 2015 and a low in interest rates from that point forward - a "Sovereign Debt Big Bang" - and, as the defaults begin to materialize over the following 2 years, a run-up in stocks for safety with interest rates rising along with share prices. Below are excerpts from Armstrong's blog complete with notable charts of his Economic Confidence Model.

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My Financial Forecast For 2015 – Gird Your Loins & Fasten Your Seat Belts!

“Gird your loins and fasten your seat belts!” Below is Part 1 of my forecast for 2015 related to financial (incl. banking & oil) matters. Those related to geopolitical (incl. Russia, China, Japan, USA, Europe & the Islamic State) particulars and U.S. domestic (incl. political, political & societal) particulars are covered in subsequent articles.

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Your New Car Today Is Compromising Your Retirement Tomorrow – Here’s Why

Savings statistics in the U.S. are terrible...because, [while] saving money is simple, prioritizing is hard. It’s very easy to...cut back on lattes to save money, but those little things...are not going to make a big dent in your budget. To truly save money you have to focus on the big picture issues, including things like transportation and...how new the car is that you own. Let me explain why that is the case.]

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Want Financial Success? Here’s THE Key

You’ve probably heard it a million times from financial “experts” – the key to financial success is saving. The idea is that if we save more now then we’ll have more to spend later and, while that’s true at the individual level, it’s actually disastrous advice in the aggregate. Here's why.

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