Consider how much money you could have in 10 to 40 years if you stopped wasteful spending now and invested that money instead.
Read More »Think You’ll Retire At 65? Think Again!
Think you’ll retire at 65? The Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies’ 16th Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey has found otherwise.
Read More »Money Velocity: Serious & Simplistic Explanations – Your Choice
In the most simplistic and, I might add, most humourous terms, the little story below demonstrates what economists call 'money velocity' and how a bailout package (think Greece) works. It really is that simple & nonsensical!
Read More »Where In the U.S. Do People Make the Most Money & Live the Most Cheaply? Here’s Where (+2K Views)
Where are the cheapest and priciest areas located in the U.S.? Where do people make the most money? Some of the answers might surprise you.
Read More »Greece: Fuse On Global Debt Bomb Now Lit – Watch Out!
The fuse on the global debt bomb has been lit. We are now officially in the crisis to which the 2008 meltdown was just the warm up. Here's why.
Read More »Relax! Greek Default NO Threat to EU Financial System – Here’s Why
True, the markets are nervous, but there is virtually no sign that an unpleasant resolution to the Greek crisis presents any threat to financial markets or even the Eurozone economy. Here's why.
Read More »If Greek Financial System Implodes the Rest Of Europe Will Soon Follow (+2K Views)
The Greek financial system is in the process of totally imploding, and the rest of Europe will soon follow. Why? Because neither the Greeks nor the Germans are willing to give in, and that means: there is very little chance that a debt deal is going to happen by the end of June; we will likely see a major Greek debt default and, potentially, even a Greek exit from the eurozone and, if Greece does leave the euro, we are going to see financial carnage happen all over Europe.
Read More »Average U.S. Individual & Household Incomes Surprisingly Low – Take A Look
For a consumption based economy asking “how much do Americans earn?” is a vital key to our long-term stability. Each household has a propensity to spend and the ability to consume is largely derived by income. Debt has made it easier for households to spend future wages but these two important reference points measure the health of total wages for households and that of individual workers.
Read More »Throw A “Gold Party” & Have Fun Making Money – Here’s How
"Gold parties" are an easy way to do something unique, have fun, and make some extra cash for both you and your friends - and their friends too. Here's how to go about having one of your very own.
Read More »Want to Become Rich – Very Rich? Here Are the Traits & Habits Of Successful Billionaires (+2K Views)
What are billionaires good at besides achieving goals and rolling in the dough? Some of their habits and personality traits may surprise you. Who knows, adopting some of the characteristics and good habits of successful billionaires could help you along your path to greater achievements and riches.
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