Wednesday , 22 January 2025


Stressed Out? Here Are 4 Creative Ways To Become Less Anxious

We know all about the tried-and-true ways to reduce our work stress. We journal. We go outside. We take more frequent breaks. These methods are all backed by multiple studies to take away the bundle of nerves keeping us anxious. If these methods are not working for you, however, it’s time to get creative. Here are 4 suggestions:

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How to Retire With Less Than $1 Million in Savings (+2K Views)

The sad truth is that many Americans are vastly underprepared when it comes to retirement savings with a 2016 GoBankingRates survey revealing that 33% of Americans have nothing saved for retirement at all and, in total, 56% have less than $10,000 saved. [That begs the question] "How much money does it actually take to retire comfortably?" It seems like one million dollars is the magic number many people think of but is it really necessary? Could some people could get by in retirement on less? Let's explore all the different ways you could live a happy retirement even if you don’t amass a million-dollar nest egg.

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You’re Probably Investing The Wrong Way For Retirement – Here Is A Better Way

In my view, most people who are selecting stocks for their retirement are doing it wrong. Most investors are picking “good companies,” stocks that have gone up a lot in the past, stocks of companies that are soon to release higher earnings, or stocks that have been selected because the technicals look good. All of these make for lousy long term investments. Here's a better path to retirement bliss, one that’s much more likely to work out if you are prepared to put just a little bit of time and effort into your portfolio.

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5 Major Reasons Why People Go Bankrupt

When it comes to getting into financial trouble and going bankrupt, many people think the reason is poor finances. While this does play a role, there are other reasons why people go bankrupt. In fact, in some cases, the cause of bankruptcy is out of the control of the person involved. Someone who is doing the right things financially and saving money can still find themselves staring in the face of filing for bankruptcy so what are the major reasons why people go bankrupt and what can you do to protect yourself? In this post, I’ll answer these questions. Let’s get started!

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Could You Make Ends Meet If You Were Suddenly Disabled?

You may have little to no control over whether or not a disabling illness or injury will impact your life, but you can prepare for the what-if. If you don't, you could find yourself — and your loved ones — facing financial ruin should the what-if become reality. We all need to ask ourselves: "Could we make ends meet if we were suddenly disabled?"

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Constant-dollar Spending Strategies For Retirement: I’m Not a Fan – Here’s Why

The Sustainable Withdrawal Rate (SWR) strategy is based on the work of William Bengen whose research revealed that the order of market losses is more important than the average return sequence of returns risk. With all due respect to Bengen, though, I consider this strategy irrational and believe that it probably makes sense only for households with so much savings that they don’t need it. This article substantiates my conclusion.

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5 Mistakes Investors Make By Going Solo On Their Retirement (+2K Views)

Many Americans have taken it upon themselves to do the vast majority of retirement planning without the help of a financial advisor. While that is perfectly fine and legal, it is not entirely wise considering the long-term margin for error. Plenty of things can go wrong, and they do, often leaving investors lost and confused about what they can do to better their circumstances. There are 5 major errors committed by solo investors that can greatly impact their ability to maintain wealth throughout their retirement. Here they are!

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