Tuesday , 3 December 2024


5 Standard Practices Every Retirement-savvy Saver Lives By

Here's some good news for anyone behind on retirement savings: Being a smart saver isn't difficult. There's no magic secret to getting it right. Once you understand the rules of the game, you'll know exactly what you need to do to manage your money wisely as you navigate through life. Here are 5 standard practices that every retirement-savvy saver lives by. Let them inspire and guide you during your own phase of accumulating wealth.

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How Bond Prices and Yields Work

When we talk about investing, we frequently talk about stocks as they are likely to make up a the bulk of your investment portfolio during the majority of your investing years but bonds can be a helpful part of your investment mix at any age, and it's important to understand how they work — even if you don't own many of them right now. This article examines bonds and why we should pay close attention to them these days.

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28 Ways To Stop Paying the Sticker Price!

So, you don't want to pay full price for anything you buy and why should you? These days, you have so many ways to get around that pesky price on the tag, and with the latest apps and websites on your side, you can save big with very little effort. Here are 28 ways to get out of paying what's on the sticker.

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Boost Your Emergency Fund With T-bills: Here’s Why & How To Do So (+2K Views)

You need to keep your emergency fund in a safe place that gives you easy access to your money but the problem is that traditional savings accounts — the most obvious place to stash emergency fund dollars — pay so little interest. Your money will sit in a savings account safely, but it won't earn you anything, either. This is where T-bills, or Treasury bills, can help.

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Roth IRA: 4 Benefits In Addition To Just Saving For Retirement

You hear a lot about how great a Roth IRA is for saving for your retirement - after all, who wouldn’t want their money to grow tax-free and be able to withdraw it tax-free too - but there are some additional benefits to investing in a Roth IRA that exceeds just saving for retirement...[and this article] highlights 4...

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These Are the 5 Key Steps To Financial Freedom

Whatever the end goal of financial freedom looks like for you, there are a 5 simple key first steps that everyone must take to get there. All you need to do is decide that you are ready to transform your life for the better, and you will be well on your way to living the life of your dreams.

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