The stock market is a great place to invest, especially if your start early. It’s also a great place to teach kids about investing. Let’s dive in.
Read More »What Is ‘Fiat’ Money? Is the USD ‘Fiat’ Money? What is the Future Of ‘Fiat’ Money?
The term ‘fiat money’ comes up often and is used in financial and economic commentary. Definitions are offered, but they vary somewhat in accuracy and clarity, and tend to be incomplete, so what exactly is the most accurate and complete definition? Words: 663
Read More »Coming Financial Crisis Will Be Inflationary – Here’s Why
Market participants often expect the next crisis to look like the last one, but it never does. IMO, the current monetary system’s ultimate financial crisis, meaning the crisis that leads to a new monetary system, will have to be inflationary. Here's why.
Read More »Use The 4% Rule To Thrive In Retirement – Here’s How
This post looks at the 4% rule to understand why it works so well in retirement, what could possibly be a stumbling block and how to overcome such a situation should it arise.
Read More »“Sequence-of-Return” Risk Could Upend Your Entire Retirement – Here’s Why
If you’re within a decade of retirement, it may be time to think hard about how much stock exposure is enough. The answer might be less than you think for a portfolio in distribution phase.
Read More »How Does Your Savings Account Compare With the Average American’s? How About the Top 1%’s?
How does your savings account stack up to the average American’s? How about the top 1 percent’s?
Read More »Next Major Capital Market Meltdown Won’t Be Caused By Consumer Debt – Here’s Why
It's impossible to pinpoint when and where the next crisis will spring from but, looking at the actual U.S. consumer debt data today, it's not likely that consumer debt will be the trigger point of the next major capital market meltdown...
Read More »How to Find a Financial Advisor You Can Trust
According to a recent Vanguard study, the right financial advisor can add up to 3.75% of value to your portfolio but, with 310,000 investment advisors in the United States, how do you find one that is independent and that will serve your interests?
Read More »Why Do We Have ‘Money’? What’s It Supposed To Accomplish?
The problems today are monumental and systemic. We all need to understand this concept called ‘money’, this concept called ‘value’ and this concept called ‘debt’. Then we need to understand the difference between that which EXIST’s and that which does not EXIST.
Read More »401(K) Fees: Here’s What Your Provider Doesn’t Want You To Know
The 401(k) plan gives 90 million Americans a way to make tax-deductible contributions to a retirement account directly from their paychecks with 71% of them believing that there are no fees at all associated with their plan. Nothing could be further from the truth! The vast majority of plans are characterized by huge commissions, expensively managed funds, and layer upon layer of additional – and often hidden – charges
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