Friday , 20 September 2024


The IMF & BIS Have Issued 16 Warnings Of An Impending Financial & Social Crash – Are you listening? (+5K Views)

For several years, and in particular the last 12 months, the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) have been issuing warning after warning - as outlined below - that the biggest financial and social crash in history is coming. Are you listening? The warnings are all well thought out with cogent logic and are not to be ignored!

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The World’s 15 Worst Corporate Tax Havens

Corporate tax havens are causing the loss of huge amounts of valuable tax revenue and their use is becoming standard business practice. Indeed, 90% of the world’s biggest companies had a presence in at least one tax haven.

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The Right Asset Allocation Accounts For 100% Of Investment Performance

…Asset allocation…explains 100% of investment performance – yes, all of it. Accordingly, most of your time, energy and money should be spent on asset allocation…and a plan for asset allocation is called an investment policy. …Asset allocation are risk decisions designed to achieve objectives with an acceptable likelihood…This risk decision is called “risk willingness” or “risk necessity” and needs to be …

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