Wednesday , 22 January 2025


Hopes of a Gold Spike In Dollar-denominated Terms Are Just That – Hopes! Here’s Why

[We read over and over again that] because of the massive amounts of money the Feds are injecting into the USA economy through quantitative easing, inflation is going to spike any day now, and the dollar is going to crash and, with that, gold will go to the moon - but it is not happening. It must be frustrating for gold investors. It is likely also puzzling to them. In this article I will try to explain why the U.S. dollar is not likely to crash anytime soon, and hopes of a gold spike in dollar-denominated terms are just that, hopes. Words: 730

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Spend Your Bernanke Bux Now on PHYSICAL Gold & Silver! Here’s Why! (4K Views)

If Venezuela were any guide, we would have to say "Buy gold and silver, right here, right now!"...For those of you who hold Bernanke Bux, aka fiat paper, pay close attention. Those Venezuelan citizens who held paper Bolivars took a 46% hit on their purchasing power. Those citizens there who held gold and silver saw an equivalent 46% jump in their holdings. If you think it cannot happen here, you are wrong. It already has. Words: 295

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Gov’t Says: “Happy Days Are Here Again For U.S. Economy” – Don’t Believe It! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

The government continues to assure us that happy days are here again for the U.S. economy and that we don't have anything to worry about - but should we trust what the CBO is telling us now? Of course not. Instead, perhaps we should listen to some of the men that successfully warned us about the last financial crisis and here is what they have to say. Words: 800

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U.S.A.: United States of Addiction – Our Insatiable Appetite for Debt (+3K Views)

16 point 7 trillion dollars. That is our current national debt. 12 point 8 trillion dollars. That is the amount households carry in mortgage and consumer debt. We are now addicted to debt to lubricate the wheels of our financial system. There is nothing wrong with debt per se, but it is safe to say that too much debt relative to how much revenue is being produced is a sign of economic problems. At the core of our current financial mess is how we use debt as a parachute for any problem. [Unfortunately,] addictions are never easily cured and we have yet to come to terms with our insatiable appetite for debt. Words: 850

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It’s a Mad, Mad “Madoff Market” World We Live In – Here’s Why

Given the economic outlook, there seems little reason for stock prices to be as high as they are...This market could be called a "Madoff Market" in the sense that it is a Ponzi scheme, not the classic Ponzi scheme where exponential growth of new dupes is necessary to keep the scam going...but, rather, on exponential money creation. Fantasy is fun while it lasts but reality eventually intercedes and...[and it is] those way out in fantasy land [who] are especially vulnerable to disappointment [and] so it is for those betting on the stock market and an economic recovery. Let me discuss this further. Words: 1075

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Gov’t Intimidation of Rating Agencies Shows How Desperate U.S. Financial Situation Really Is

[The U.S. governments attempt to prevent the rating agencies (and Standard & Poor's in particular) from following through on their threats to further downgrade the credit worthiness of U. S. government debt] smacks of absolute desperation. It seems that Washington insiders have come to the conclusion that the stability of the U.S. government and financial system is threatened by the ratings agencies. In this case, it is threatened by creditors and citizens knowing the truth about the financial condition of the government.

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U.S. Gov’t Unemployment Deception Masking the Coming Economic Horror Show (+2K Views)

How bad do things have to get before people realize that we are living through a nightmare? Sadly, most Americans still have faith in the system. They are still convinced that our politicians will somehow find a way to turn things around. Most Americans...[don't realize that] America is literally falling apart all around them. We have been living in the biggest debt bubble in the history of the world, and it is only a matter of time until it bursts. 2008 was just a "hiccup" compared to what is coming. I hope you're getting prepared to survive the economic horror show that is rapidly approaching. Words: 1310

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Katchum Comments on Gold, Silver & Recession

There are literally thousands of economic blogs out there and most don't have much to offer. One exception is a blog by "Katchum" that is dedicated to monitoring breaking global economic news on a day to day basis and, as such, provides unique insights into, and analysis of, various aspects of the financial markets, commodities and the economies of the world. Below is his latest post. If you like it why not subscribe? Words: 642; Charts: 6

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