When there is lots of economic activity, there is lots of money changing hands. When there is not very much economic activity, the pace at which money circulates through our system slows down. That is why what is happening in the U.S. right now is so troubling. Let me explain.
Read More »Blame Deflationary Pressures On Current Prices Of Gold & Silver (2K Views)
I believe that the inflation and price charts paint a clear picture, and that until inflation in the world picks up significantly, there will be no meaningful rallies in precious metals...[While] I am bullish on gold and silver long term, the short-term pressure is still evident and might take them lower in the next couple of months.
Read More »Tips from TIPS on Prospects for Growth, Outlook for Inflation & Future for Gold
TIPS are telling us that the market is quite pessimistic about the prospects for real growth, but not concerned at all about the outlook for inflation.
Read More »Next Bear Market Shaping Up To Be Quite the Storm – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
The U.S. stock market has been closing at one record high after another but, despite the seemingly unending investor optimism more than five years into the current bull market, some worrisome issues are continuing to build under the surface. Like all past bull markets, the latest episode will eventually come to an end and a new bear market will begin and it has the potential to be even worse than the two previous downturns since the start of the new millennium...
Read More »Are You A Bull Or A Bear? Here Are Indicators & Charts That Support Your Thesis (+2K Views)
The current U.S. equity market has something for everyone. Whether you are bullish or bearish, there is no shortage of indicators or charts you can use to support your thesis. Let’s run through both the Bull and the Bear case here. In the spirit of Confirmation Bias, feel free to skip ahead to the part that best supports your current positioning.
Read More »Probability of Deflation Is 60%, Inflation Is 25% and Muddling Through Is 15% – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
At the end of last year virtually every every single economist expected interest rates to rise this year as the Fed tapered their purchases and the economy improved but, in fact, interest rates on the 10 year U.S. Treasury have been going down year to date (from 3% to 2.5% after rising from about 1.6% to 3% last year). The masses, going along with this crowd, got fooled but we have been calling for a decline in interest rates for some time now due to world-wide deflation and it couldn’t be clearer to us that this is the most likely scenario for the United States. Let us explain.
Read More »Noonan: U.S. Debt & the Expected Movement in the Price of Gold & Silver (+2K Views)
This article is a brief overview of how the U.S. government has come to be usurped by a banking cartel that controls government, media, corporations, etc. all because of their control over the money supply in the Western world and, understandably, why they are desperate to keep their Ponzi scheme from unraveling and being jettisoned in favor of gold and silver and concludes with a look at what the charts have to say about the future movement in both gold and silver.
Read More »Betting Against the Prevailing Consensus Builds Wealth – Here’s Today’s Prevailing Consensus (+2K Views)
If you want to make money long-term, you have to bet against the prevailing consensus of most financial experts. I have never seen such an overwhelming bullish consensus as there is today that the economy is going to do great, that gold is a sell, and that the stock market is going to go higher, and if you want to build speculative wealth, you have to bet against that.
Read More »Busy? These Articles Are Worth Your Time to Read
We all live extremely busy lives and often don't have the time to find articles that are sufficiently informative and well written to warrant our attention. Below are introductory paragraphs to 7 such articles and infographics. Check them out and decide which, if any, are of interest to you and click on the title to read in full.
Read More »Will May 20th Go Down In History As the Day the U.S. “Petrodollar” Monopoly Was Finally Shattered? (+3K Views)
The struggle over Ukraine has caused Russia to completely re-evaluate the financial relationship that it has with the United States. If it starts trading a lot of oil and natural gas for currencies other than the U.S. dollar, that will be a massive blow for the petrodollar, and it could end up dramatically - and negatively - impacting the average American's current standard of living. Let me explain.
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