Tuesday , 3 December 2024


Japan: The Greece of the East?

Japan is flirting with becoming the Greece of the East. Japan’s legendary household and corporate savings are on a downward trend [and, while current] domestic savers have always been forgiving of the government’s overspending, when [their] savings become inadequate to fund the government’s drain, other investors will be much less sympathetic. Words: 508

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Prechter: Technical Indicators Point Down from Here

In his April 2010 issue of the Elliott Wave Theorist Prechter predicted that these same eight indicators would switch from bullish to bearish by May 7th. Considering the events on May 6th and 7th he is once again sounding prophetic. This is extremely important as the media would have you believe that the events of May 6th were the result of a "fat finger". Words: 1154

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Major Changes in Inflation, Interest Rates, ‘Taxes’ and U.S. Dollar Coming (+2K Views)

The economy is now so manipulated by politicians, big bankers, and special-interest groups that making sense of the markets has become an almost impossible feat. Which is to say, it must push even harder on the levers of its printing presses, further setting the stage for the massive period of inflation we continue to see as inevitable… and for a stunning rise in interest rates. Words: 968

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Who is Next in the 'Game' of Sovereign Debt Default Dominos?

In a global crisis sovereign debt fears have the ability to be contagious destroying investor confidence in the capital markets of troubled countries and the overall global economy alike and when confidence wanes, capital flees it is a surefire recipe for falling dominoes. That's especially true today in the wake of a deep global recession that has left many countries with bloated deficits and debt loads. Words: 707

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Beware: Government Claim of Low Inflation is Just B.S.!

Our leaders in Washington are so detached from reality it begs the question, "What are they smoking?" I'm not talking about the insane amounts of spending that's going on in our capital, or even about the patently unpayable debts and promises they're making to all of us and our foreign creditors. Although I think these things, too, result from whatever drugs they're on inside the beltway I am referring the way Washington manipulates its official statistics. Words: 1107

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