Wednesday , 22 January 2025


In Foreclosure? Don’t Worry! Your Bank Probably Can’t Prove They Own Your Mortgage! (+3K Views)

When a home owner is forced into foreclosure, the case is presented to a judge for approval. Historically, if uncontested, a foreclosure has quickly led to a judgment in favor of the bank - to evict the owner and confiscate the property. However, in the last few years a growing number of homeowners have been contesting the foreclosures and demanding proof of the note - or ownership of the mortgage - and, in many cases, the note can't be located by the bank. [As such,] the foreclosures are not being approved due to lack of documentation. Words: 719

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Let's Get Real: The U.S. is Bankrupt and the Consequences Will Be Dire!

Let's get real. The U.S. is bankrupt. Neither spending more nor taxing less will help the country pay its bills. What it can and must do is radically simplify its tax, health-care, retirement, and financial systems, each of which is a complete mess... otherwise we are going to see dramatic increases in taxes, interest rates and consumer prices [with a resultant major decrease in our standard of living] and a dramatic increase in [the number of Americans living in abject] poverty. Words: 835

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Groundwork Has Been Laid for Hyperinflation, Soaring Interest Rates and Exploding Gold and Silver Prices (+2K Views)

Increases in spending and liabilities along with decreases in foreign lending equals a recipe for disaster. So, where will the money come from? This is a job for the printing press. While we are certainly facing deflation in the near term and a very choppy market, the groundwork has been laid for hyperinflation, soaring interest rates and exploding gold and silver prices. Words: 945

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Williams: U.S. Can Not Avoid Coming Financial Armageddon (+3K Views)

The U.S. economy is in an intensifying inflationary recession that eventually will evolve into a hyperinflationary great depression... [at which time] a $100 bill in the United States will become worth more as functional toilet paper/tissue than as currency. The U.S. government and Federal Reserve already have committed the system to this course through the easy politics of a bottomless pocketbook, the servicing of big-moneyed special interests, and gross mismanagement. The article is long but well worth the read. Words: 3565

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Will We See Further Quantitative Easing?

[Given the Fed's most recent] statement at the end of their meeting last week in which they said: "The Committee will continue to monitor the economic outlook and financial developments and is prepared to provide additional accommodation if needed to support the economic recovery and to return inflation, over time, to levels consistent with its mandate" (Translation: 'inflation may be getting too low, but don't worry, we are on the job') it seems to be setting us up for another round of quantitative easing. Words: 1147

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U.S. Economy Faces 5 Plausable Doomsday Scenarios

Most signs point to a slow and steady recovery, but what if the pessimists are right, again? What if the United States isn't in the slow-lane to recovery, but rather on the precipice of another decline -- a double dip? [If so,] where might this re-recession begin? Words: 988

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The World is Heading Rapidly Towards Calamity! Got Gold?

2010 will be remembered for the rest of our lives as Armageddon 2010. Things are getting out of control. We are all about to take a cliff dive together into who knows what?! We Are Doomed! The world is now on its road to ruin and there is no action, no leader and no new amount of printed money that can save the world or prevent a hyperinflationary depression. Words: 1716

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10 Radical Proposals to Save America

While most investors are rightfully focused on the economic ills in the U.S. they are missing the big picture: America faces a debt disaster of untold proportions, the fatal blows of which are now arriving. The [very] survival of the U.S. and our way of life, not to mention many of our liberties, are at stake, which is precisely what gold's recent rally to new record highs is telling you. The dollar - and debt-based monetary system - is irretrievably broken, and its demise is the real reason behind the soaring price of gold. As such, it's now time for the U.S. to rise to the occasion ... to rise above the mistakes of the past — and usher in a new era of monetary stability and I have some radical proposals to do just that. Words: 2287

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