Friday , 27 December 2024


The Greatest Bull Market in History is Underway! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Recent market action is causing much anxiety [with] pundits hyperventilating about sovereign loan defaults. [Now,] after Ireland, their attention is focused on Spain and other European countries. The world seems to be filled with worryworts (which is bullish as the market always climbs a wall of worries) [- but worry not]. In terms of magnitude and duration, this bull market will surprise all. In fact, what investors are witnessing is one of the greatest bull markets on record. Within two years, the DJIA and the S&P will reach record highs. Beyond that, the S&P could well double from the current levels. Words: 852

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Rampant Inflation is Coming – As Soon As 2011!!

Are you ready for rampant inflation? Well, unfortunately it looks like it might be headed our way. The U.S. monetary base has absolutely exploded over the last couple of years, and all that money is starting to filter through into the hands of consumers. Commodity prices are absolutely skyrocketing, and it is inevitable that those price increases will show up in our stores at some point soon. The U.S. dollar has already been slipping substantially, and now there is every indication that the Fed is hungry to start printing even more money. All of these things are going to cause a rise in inflation. The only real question is how far down the road are we going to get before it happens. Words: 1096

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How To Prepare For The Coming Financial Apocalypse (+2K Views)

It is becoming increasingly apparent that the U.S. economy is heading for complete and total disaster - a financial apocalypse. State and local governments across the nation are uncontrollably bleeding red ink. The federal government has accumulated the largest debt in world history.... Incomes are down, unemployment remains at depressingly high levels and very few of our politicians seem to have any idea how to fix things. Yes, things are really, really bad. So what are some things that we can all be doing to prepare for the coming financial apocalypse? Words: 1598

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Stock Market Looking Too Good To Be True! Here's Why

From a historical standpoint, the dividend yield of 2% on the S&P 500 is too low. It smacks of a stock market top and underscores the point that the market is too optimistic in the sense that investors are willing to forgo yield because they assume that they will get the return via the capital gain. The last time S&P yields were around this level was in the summer of 2000, and we know what happened shortly after that! Words: 888

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The Dollar Bear Is Returning In 2011! Got Gold?

These days it is almost impossible to find anyone who is long-term bearish on [the U.S. dollar], the stock market or the economy but I think they are all going to be wrong - horribly wrong. I believe that in 2011 inflation will spike horribly, the dollar will collapse, the stock market will begin its third leg down in the secular bear market and the global economy will tip over into the next recession that will be much worse than the last one. Words: 555

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Why Economy May See Another Flight to Safety in 2011

While growth of the global economy is sluggish and the outlook for meaningful improvements looks bleak, in a world with few options, muddling along doesn’t look so bad - and the U.S. is doing just that, due in large part from the aggressive stimulus policies. The question is, however, whether or not it will continue. Words: 761

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Upcoming Market Decline Will Be Worse Than Last Time – Here's Why

Bernanke has massively increased the monetary response in an attempt to halt the secular bear, and we know how the last attempt to control the market turned out - we got the second worst recession since the Great Depression and the second worst bear market in history. I fully expect the next leg down in the secular bear to be even worse that the last one - not only in the stock market, but also in the economy. Words: 525

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Europe Has Its PIGS, America Its CAIN and Un(Abel) – Both Will Be Good For Gold

In Europe, they were able to come up with a clever moniker, PIGS, to succinctly represent [and name the countries in dire financial straights - Portugal, Iceland, Ireland, Greece and Spain] the most boorish animals on the farm, and [I have taken it upon myself to call the U.S. state budget crises] the story of CAIN (California, Arizona, Alaska, Illinois, New York and New Jersey), the seven most rotten pillars of our union, and (Un)Abel, the country as a whole, which is (Un)Abel, i.e. unable, to do anything about the impending crises. Given the current political climate and implicit anti-bailout mandate of the new Congress, the Federal government might be powerless to do anything but accept painful state defaults. Before we know it, we could all be ancestors of evil... 2011 could be the year that CAIN starts to face some serious trouble, and may need some serious help to avoid killing his brother (Un)Abel! Words: 1529

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