Wednesday , 22 January 2025


Hyperinflation in the U.S. is Possible But Unlikely – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

I respect many of the writers who believe that we will experience hyperinflation... but I think they are jumping the gun. Hyperinflation is something that is easy to say - and it certainly achieves the sensational headlines that so many financial writers seek - but it is much more difficult to achieve. At this point none of the economic or political factors required to set off hyperinflation are present. The question should not be whether or not it is possible, but whether or not it is probable in America today and in my opinion the probability of such happening is very low. [Let me explain why that is the case.] Words: 2695

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Current U.S. Economic Woes Result of Major Structural Shifts in Economy

Our government is broken. Our economy is broken. Our infrastructure is crumbling. Our major institutions — education, religion, culture — are inadequate to the tasks at hand. These are all signs of an old world passing away and clearing the way for a new one to arise in its place. The sooner we let go of our assumption that going back is desirable, or even possible, the sooner we’ll be able to fully embrace the new things that lie ahead. [Let me explain.] Words: 1891

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A Look at Inflation Specifics Over the Past 5 Months

Core CPI [continues to rise, remaining] above the Fed's inflation target of 2%. [That being said,] how inflation is impacting our personal expenses depends on our relative exposure to the individual components. [Let's take a look at the specifics.] Words: 291

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Addiction to Borrowing Causing Another Bubble – Take a Look

We are trying to get out of a debt led crisis with more debt. The facts show this and we have compiled some of the more troubling data by putting the entire debt market into perspective here [and it clearly shows that] we flat out have an addiction to borrowing. [Read on!] Words: 600

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Slicing & Dicing Consumer Price Index Data of the Past 11 Years (+2K Views)

The Fed justified the previous round of quantitative easing "to promote a stronger pace of economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with its mandate". In effect, the Fed has been trying to increase inflation at the macro level, but what does an increase in inflation mean at the micro level — specifically to your household? [Let's take a look and see.] Words: 957

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This "Recovery" Won't Last! Here's Why (Part 1)

Are we in an economic recovery or not? This article will deal with this issue. I will briefly recap how we got here and the problems we need to overcome before we can call it a recovery. I will look at the reasons behind our current positive data and then I will compare the current data to see where we are. Words: 1650

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US "Recovery" Needs More Fiat Money Steroids to Continue! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

This time is far worse than any other modern recession. What we are seeing now is a depression, despite what the NBER would have you believe. If you are still looking for the “Big One” to happen, you are too late. It happened here and it is still happening here and in Europe. They, like us, have tried to paper over most of the effects of the boom-bust business cycle malinvestment, and they have failed and the piper is at their door [as it is here in the U.S.]. The current economic “good news”, this supposed "recovery", is largely based on fiat money steroids and will not last without continuous injections of new fiat money into the economy. [Let me explain.] Words: 2300

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John Williams: U.S. Edging Closer to Collapse

At present, the underlying fundamentals could not be much worse for the U.S. dollar. Beyond trade, the key factors, relative to other major currencies, could not be much worse. Despite any political and financial hype in the markets, the U.S. economy is relatively weaker, interest rates are lower, inflation is higher and fiscal policy and political stability all are relatively much worse than are seen relative to the other major currencies.

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2012: The Beginning of the END for the U.S. "Petrodollar"! (+8K Views)

A major portion of the U.S. dollar's valuation stems from its lock on the oil industry and if it loses its position as the global reserve currency the value of the dollar will decline and gold will rise. Iran's migration to a non-dollar based international trade system is the testing of the waters of a non-USD regime...transition to a world in which the U.S. Dollar suddenly finds itself irrelvant. [Let me explain.] Words: 1200

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