The 8 headlines below have been personally filtered this morning from over 1,200 articles canvassing economic and resource news. Reading these headlines will keep you better informed, and will save you time. If you are so inclined you can read the full articles using the links provided. Words: 608
Read More »Your Daily Intelligence Report is Now Available from – Check It Out!
You nolonger need to spend time surfing the net looking for financial, economic and investment articles of substance. The editors of read 100s of articles daily, find the most informative and the post edited excerpts for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. Below is a sample of Your Daily Intelligence Report, containing yesterday's posts, which you can sign up to receive daily - and its free. Check it out! You won't be disappointed. Words: 625
Read More »Read Today's "Your Daily Intelligence Report" from – Your Key to Making Money
You nolonger need to spend time surfing the net looking for financial, economic and investment articles of substance. The editors of read 100s of articles daily, find the most informative and the post edited excerpts for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. Below is a sample of Your Daily Intelligence Report, containing yesterday’s posts, which you can sign up to receive daily - and its free. Check it out! You won’t be disappointed. Words: 358
Read More »Ongoing European Crisis to Result in Higher Inflation and Higher Gold Prices – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
On the surface things may appear to be calm, but I don’t think the European crisis is anywhere near its conclusion. Losses still have to be taken from Ireland, Spain, Portugal and possibly even Italy...There are a number of ways out of Europe’s problems. One of them is higher inflation...[which] is going to be very positive for gold... because the central banks will be under pressure to print
Read More »Salinas: Legislation Required That Recognizes Gold & Silver as Different Forms of Money
I think that unless we see legislation, somewhere, that is rational and recognizes that gold and silver are really different forms of money, and that this whole scheme of paper is unworkable, then the world is going to go down in flames. The only thing that would last [would] be people’s savings of gold and silver.
Read More »We Are Heading Deeper and Deeper Into Fiscal Insanity! Here's Why
The definition of insanity is to continue doing something that goes wrong, without contemplating that there could be a different course of action...[and we] are heading deeper and deeper into insanity...we are just getting deeper and deeper into problems leaving our children and grandchildren with loans that could well take decades to finish (paying) off. I fear we are now stoking up the conditions, at some point in the future, for serious inflation.
Read More »U.S. "Deficit Disorder" Means Broken Promises + Even More QE! Here’s Why (+2K Views)
One of the problems with the debate over the “national debt” is that there’s no generally agreed upon definition of that term. Is it what the federal government owes, or what it owes foreigners, or what the whole country, private and public sector together, owes? Does it include off-balance-sheet items and contingent liabilities? There’s a hundred-trillion dollar gap between lowest and highest on this spectrum, which allows each commentator to confuse the rest of us by picking the measure that best suits their point of view. [Let's try to decipher the true state of the nation.] Words: 1468
Read More »Are the Millennials the Best Generation Ever?
The Millennials are the latest -and some would say, greatest – generation to emerge in America. Currently defined as those between the ages of 18 and 29, Millennials have many recognizable characteristics that researchers have deemed typical of the generation: optimism, tech-savvy, liberal leanings, and a solid educational background. [In fact,] a whopping 50% of those in college (40% of Millennials] say they plan on entering graduate programs afterwards. It could be a sign of the tough financial times, or just evidence of the remarkable smarts and ambition that define this generation - or perhaps it’s a little of both. Are the Millennials the best generation ever? Let's take a look.
Read More »Believe It Or Not, Dramatic Changes to U.S. Governship & Personal Conduct Coming by Year-end!
Dear Citizens of America: In light of your failure to financially manage yourselves and also, in recent years, your tendency to elect Presidents and Senators who demonstrate an ineptitude to govern you, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence. Effective July 4th, 2012 Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over all American states, commonwealths, and territories. Words: 1477
Read More »Save Time: Read Today's 'Speak For Themselves' Headlines
Why Focus On These Headlines: This morning I have personally filtered them from over 1,200 articles covering the latest important economic and resource news. My intent is to help you be better informed while saving you time. Below are 5 such headlines with a brief overview.
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