Sunday , 22 December 2024


Oh My GAWD! This Infographic on U.S. Debt Is Frightening (+3K Views)

LOOK! Everyone needs to see this. United States owes a lot of money. As of 2012, US debt is larger than the size of the economy. The debt ceiling is currently set at $16.394 Trillion, estimated to be hit around Sep 14, 2012. In the infographic below that enormous amount is illustrated in $100 bills. It's frightening! Words: 605

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Amazing Stats: % of U.S. Debt Held By Foreigners Keeps Growing – Here's Who

Over the years foreigners have been buying more and more U.S. debt and now amounts to 33% of the total which is up from "just" 27% at this time 4 years ago and less than 15% only 20 years ago. However, given the dire state of U.S. finances it makes one wonder how much longer this trend will continue and what the consequences will be when the U.S. nolonger has a ready buyers to subsidize their excessive ways. Let's take a look at which countries and entities hold the U.S. debt and the extent to which it has changed over the years. Words: 480

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Is Now the Time to Acquire Gold – Or Run Away From It?

Is this the time to acquire gold? Or is this the time to run away from it? Either answer could be correct, depending upon what course government chooses. Government is at a decision point, one that will determine how our economic malaise next turns. [Let's review their choices.] Words: 922

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Major USD Downside Correction Coming Soon? "Crowded Trade" Suggests So

The latest CFTC report shows an extraordinarily high net long US dollar open interest in the futures markets...[which] is starting to increasingly look like a "crowded trade". That makes the dollar quite vulnerable to a downside correction. [As such,] any hint of incremental monetary easing by the Fed that involves balance sheet expansion could force a violent reversal....Words: 410

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