Wednesday , 22 January 2025

Debt & Deficits

Continued Growth In U.S. Public Debt Suggests $2,000 Gold – Here’s Why (+3K Views)

The price of gold, on a quarterly basis, is 86% correlated - yes, 86%! - to total government debt going back to 1975... and a shocking 98% over the past 15 years!. Despite the current rumblings, everyone is aware that the debt ceiling will be raised and will likely surpass $20 trillion by the end of President Obama’s term. That would put the price of gold at about $2,000 per ounce.

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Why All the Hullabaloo About U.S. Debt?

Is the debt issue phony? It sure sounds like a lot, doesn't it? $17 trillion in federal government debt. Wow. It's a big, scary number, no doubt about it, ...and it's a lot bigger than in years past, but is it really that bad? Could it be that our debt profile has been grossly exaggerated? I think so. Let me explain why I think that is the case.

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How Likely Is the Fed to Go Bust & What Would it Mean For YOU?

At this point, thanks to a long-standing policy of wanton money printing, the Fed has more liabilities than ever before in its history - by an enormous margin - and this precarious balance sheet is dangerous, because if the Fed goes bust, everyone loses [- including YOU. Let me explain why that is the case]. Words: 398

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When the Debt Bubble Bursts We’re Going to See Economic Chaos So Get Ready – NOW! (+7K Views)

Never before has the world faced such a serious debt crisis. Yes, in the past there have certainly been nations that have gotten into trouble with debt, but we have never had a situation where virtually all of the major powers around the globe were all drowning in debt at the same time. Right now, confidence is being shaken as debt levels skyrocket to extremely dangerous levels. Many are openly wondering how much longer this can possibly go on. [Here's my take on the situation.]

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U.S. in Terminal Phase of Unprecedented Debt Spiral

Anyone that thinks that the U.S. economy can keep going along like this is absolutely crazy. We are in the terminal phase of an unprecedented debt spiral which has allowed us to live far, far beyond our means for the last several decades. Unfortunately, all debt spirals eventually end, and they usually do so in a very disorderly manner.

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