Thursday , 24 October 2024

Been Busy This Past Week? Here Are 10 Gold Articles You Might Have Missed

We live very busy lives these days and, as such, often don’t have the time to stay informed about developments on the financial, economic and investment scenes as they develop each day. Here are just 10 of the “best of the best” articles that were selected from 100s posted on the internet this past week. Each article has been edited for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure you a fast and easy read. Enjoy!

By Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!) and (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds).

Investing – Gold & Silver

1. Buy & Hold Commodity Assets (Particularly Gold & Silver) Starting Today: BIG Profits are Coming – Here’s Why


Savers will not stand idly by and watch their savings get wiped out by taxes and inflation….[which] is good news for investors who buy and hold commodity assets today – and it’s also a stark reminder to not be fooled by the short-term head fakes that might make it look like the commodity bull is over. Stay the course – the biggest profits are yet to come. [Here’s why.] Words: 405

2. Gold Belongs in EVERY Portfolio – Including Yours! Here’s Why


I like gold because it’s a risk-reducing, portfolio-diversifying asset. It’s also been a strong-performing asset over the past decade – up nearly 400%. What’s more, it’s been reliable. In 2008, when the major U.S. indices plummeted 37% (and more into early 2009), gold returned nearly 6%. In addition to being an exceptional investment, however, gold has also been an exceptional investment within a portfolio context. That is, it has provided return while reducing portfolio risk. Gold has, in essence, been a free lunch. Words: 490

3. Do You Have Enough (Any?) Gold or Silver to Meet Living Expenses During a Time of High Inflation? Here’s What You Need


NOone is expecting rampant inflation. After all, the CPI is low with nothing happening in spite of all this money printing. While there has been no fallout I think that is the critical point. You cannot do these kinds of things we are doing forever and not experience any consequences. Sooner or later there are going to be consequences to what we are doing, and my fear is that it is going to be nasty, catch a lot of people off guard, and really hurt our society. That is the bottom line and why I am buying gold and silver, still, to this day. Words: 795

4. LAST CHANCE to Buy Gold/Silver/PM Stocks At Low Prices – BIG Moves Coming In December, January & February

gold and currencies

What is developing in the markets is not the beginning of  another leg down in gold, but a second chance to get positioned for what should be a  very profitable intermediate degree rally over the next 2-3 months. [Let me explain further with a number of charts to support my position.] Words: 460

5. Relative Strength Favors Gold Miners vs. Physical Gold

gold mining

The best way to look at miners, in relation to gold, is to look at the relative strength of each which is most clearly illustrated through ratio analysis. Whether you are a fundamental or technical analyst, both schools of thought support the notion of investing in sectors that exhibit positive relative strength. For those unfamiliar, the idea is that relative strength tends to persist over time and that it is often best to invest in securities that exhibit positive relative strength. [So what does relative strength analysis suggest is the appropriate course of action these days? Let’s take a look.] Words: 805

6. What, Me Worry? Not When You Look at These Monthly Gold & Silver Charts


We’ve been surprised at the recent action in the precious metals complex. During the recent correction the shares were showing quite a bit more strength than the metals. Then the shares took a dive below support yet the metals maintained their recent lows! How do we interpret this wild volatility in the relationship between the shares and the metals? Quite often we look at daily and weekly charts. Now is the time to take a look at the monthly charts which can help us get a better read on the larger trends at hand. Words: 636

7. Goldrunner: HUI Index Could Go As High As 1000 in 2013! Here’s Why


The prospects look great for Gold and Silver to move sharply higher into 2013 to mimic the moves made in the 2005/ 2006 period and especially in 1979.  In both cases back then the PM Stock Indices made big runs along with Gold and Silver.  As such, the current HUI looks good for a major bottom to now be in place and to mimic the PM Stock Surrogate chart from the late 70’s. This would see the HUI go as high as the 1000 area in 2013. Let me explain further. Words: 640

8. There’s No Rationale For Owning Gold Mining Equities – It’s As Close As You Can Get To Insanity! Here’s Why


Hedge fund manager Hugh Hendry has stated, “There is no rationale for owning gold mining equities. It is as close as you get to insanity. The risk premium goes up when the gold price goes up.” Indeed, the notion that adding gold and other commodities to one’s portfolio produces a higher expected return with lower risk failure has failed of late and can be illustrated through the following charts. Words: 808

9. Goldrunner: Gold’s Extremely Bullish Backdrop Setting Stage for Run to $2,050, Then $2,400, Then $4,500 and Ultimately $10,000-12,000!


Our subscription service provides detailed technical analysis of where the price of gold, silver and precious metal stocks are going short term (in the next week or two), intermediate term (within the next 3-6 months) and long term (the ultimate top) in each stage of their respective bull runs. This service comes with detailed charting based on conventional technical analysis and our proprietary fractal analysis based on the ’70s. Below are some of our latest comments and rationale for expected price movements in gold without illustative charts which are only available to subscribers. Words: 1000

10. Soros Fund’s Latest Buys Suggest Gold-related Investments to Move Sharply Higher in 2013 – Here’s Why


George Soros’ hedge fund, Soros Fund Management LLC, states in its Nov. 14th 13-f filing that, among other major moves related to gold, the fund has added a $9 million call option position on the GDX which means that management of the fund believes that gold mining equities are extremely undervalued on a short term basis and that major money to be made over the next 6-12 months, via a sharp move higher in the GDX. Words: 405

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