Thursday , 9 January 2025

Lorimer Wilson

Is Gold a "Greater Fool" Asset?

I believe the terminology "investing in gold" is a misnomer. Speculation is a better fit for the argument to own gold than considering it an investment. [Let me explain.] Words: 606

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Yes, U.S. Can Escape from Financial Black Hole! Here's How

Every textbook Keynesian solution to escape the [financial] black hole of liquidity entrapment [we are in] has been tried on a grand scale, and failed on an even grander scale but the solution is simple: renounce/write down all impaired debt, wipe out the "too big to fail" banks, and restrict the reach and political power of the remaining banks and Wall Street. Until we're willing to do that, then the liquidity trap will remain a black hole that the economy cannot possibly escape. [Let me explain.] Words: 1122

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Now's the Time to Buy Quality Dividend Stocks – Consider These 11

The decrease in stock prices over the past weeks has many investors scared that the market is forecasting a dip in the economy. This panic has started to create an environment where enterprising dividend investors could start adding to their positions at cheaper prices. In fact, if stocks keep going lower this would create tremendous opportunities for enterprising dividend investors to scoop up some of the best dividend stocks in the world at fire sale prices. In this article I will explain why the market dip has created a perfect opportunity for dividend investors and specify 11 stocks worth considering. Words: 819

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Brace for Impact: U.S. About to Go Off a Financial Cliff!

The kind of impact [our economy is] going to have will not be like flying into the side of a mountain. It will be the kind of crash that skids over land, clipping trees and buildings until the plane ends up wingless in a smoldering heap. I just hope the fuel tanks don’t ignite when the long rough ride is over. [Let me explain.] Words: 832

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7 Agricultural Stock Buying Opportunities

The Federal Reserve has guaranteed super-low interest rates for two more years - an unprecedented step to arrest the alarming decline of the stock market and the economy - and I believe the following seven agricultural stocks have been unjustly oversold and have significant upside potential. Words: 665

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Should I Have Sold in May and Gone Away?

After the volatility in the markets [recently] I decided to take a look at the major indices to see how accurate the "sell in May and go away" [i.e. "buy in on November 1st, and sell out the last trading day of April"] trading philosophy was in protecting investors this year [and] was astounded [to see] that all three indices (the Russell 2000 Value Index, the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrials) had highs on April 29th and have not hit those highs since. With what has happened in the markets lately, however, might it be time to get back into equities? Words: 695

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Risk of Owning Gold Skewed to the Downside! Here's Why

The peak nominal price of gold ($850/ozt.) occurred on January 21, 1980, which would correspond to about $2,450 in today's dollars according to my calculations using the CPI. If history repeats itself [exactly, then] gold will gain another 35% or so, briefly, before becoming one of the worst investments in the world for the next decade or two. [Let me explain.] Words: 558

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Don't Fight the Fed: Buy Some of These 20 Blue Chip Stocks Instead!

The herd continues to stampede into U.S. Treasury debt of every possible maturity to, theoretically, avoid risk. Yields on AA+ 10-yr bonds can be locked in to yield 2.11% per year and you get your principal back in 10 years. [As we see it, though] the only justification for [such a meagre] return on invested capital must be tied to the belief that a return is better than nothing given the prospects of a future depression. We believe, however, that fighting the Fed and investing like a depression is coming is not the right way to position your portfolio. [Below are 20 suggestions on how to generate in excess of 2.11% returns plus strong appreciation potential with modest risk.] Words: 657

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Another Economic Collapse and Great Depression are Coming! Here’s Why (+3K Views)

It really is hard to find the words to describe the true horror of the national debt of the U.S. The U.S. government has been on the greatest debt binge in all of human history, and a day of reckoning is coming that is going to be so painful that it is going to shock America to the core. We have lived so far above our means for so long that none of us really has any concept of what "normal" is like anymore. The United States has enjoyed the greatest party in the history of the world, but now this decades-old party is ending and the bills are coming due. Our current system is headed for an inevitable collapse. There is no way of getting around it - a horrific economic collapse is coming [and] it is going to change the world. You better get ready. [Let me explain further.] Words: 1771

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America's Future: Growing Deficit, Shrinking Economy, Imploding Dollar and Exploding Inflation

The new [debt ceiling deal] legislation will add $2.4 trillion to the $14.3 trillion national debt in a little over a year - and we don’t even start saving money until after the debt reaches $16.7 trillion! This bill doesn’t even cut the deficit. It just slows the growth of government spending to around 8% a year! So, even if Congress cuts $2.1 trillion out of the budget over the next 10 years, we will still be running annual deficits of more than $1 trillion...[That means that in addition to a deficit that will continue to grow we can look forward to a shrinking economy, an imploding U.S. dollar and exploding inflation. Some future! Let me explain.] Words: 827

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