Thursday , 9 January 2025

Lorimer Wilson

The Dollar is Toast! The Future is Silver (+3K Views)

Psychologists tell us that there are five stages of grief over loss of whatever kind, usually death, or breaking up with a loved one, which are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. I've applied these to the loss of the dollar, as I see most people today are still stuck in denial, and here's how to deal with that. Words: 1100

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5 Must-visit Investing Websites (+2K Views)

If you want to be a successful investor, you need to know what you're doing...To really figure out what's going on in the markets, investors have to read, read and then read some more. Here are five of the best investing-related websites to get you started. Words: 900

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Fiat Money: Exactly What Is It? Why Is It Such A Scourge? (+2K Views)

Considering the fact that you can fool some of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time, is it any wonder millions are protesting the abysmal scourge that fiat currency has brought upon us as a result of that fateful day back on July 25th, 1965. To appreciate the significance of that historic day we must fully understand what fiat currency is and why such a concept is about to implode and this article does just that. Words: 1372

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Save Time & Get Informed: Financial Article Summaries From For w/e Dec.2/11

There are hundreds and hundreds of sites that post economic, financial and investment articles but, unfortunately, most of them are all about quantity of articles rather than the quality of them. As such, if you are tired of spending hours each week surfing the net or even visiting your up-to-now favourite financial site looking for articles that are extremely informative, relatively brief and very well-written then go no further than Here's why. Words: 977

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What Works on Wall Street? James O'Shaughnessy Tells All!

History has shown that investors who stick to disciplined, fundamental-focused strategies give themselves a good chance of beating the market over the long haul and one of the investment gurus who has compiled the most data on that topic is James O’Shaughnessy, whose book What Works on Wall Street became something of a bible for investment strategies when it was released 15 years ago. Now, O’Shaughnessy has released an updated version of his book, with a plethora of new data on various investment strategies. Using data that stretches back to before the Great Depression in some cases, O’Shaughnessy back-tests numerous strategies, and comes to some very intriguing conclusions. [Let me share some of them with you.] Words: 1345

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Underpaid? Here's How to Find Out

Ever look around the office and wonder if your colleagues make more money than you? What about the competition next door -- are those employees bringing home...[more than you for comparable work]? Instead of wondering if the grass is greener and the paycheques are bigger...[elsewhere], maybe it's time to find out if you're underpaid. With a large number of online salary tools available -- and a little leg work -- you could land a pay raise or a better paying job before the new year. [Here's how.] Words: 897

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Jeffrey Nichols: Gold to Reach $1,850 – Perhaps Even $1,923 – by Early 2012!

Many market participants are wondering why [gold] is not responding more positively to Europe's never-ending sovereign debt crisis and other worrisome economic and political developments around the world...Technical analysts say that gold must build more support in the $1,750 to $1,800 an ounce range before it can muster enough strength to sustain a meaningful and lasting rally. Sooner or later, [however,] thanks to a continuously improving fundamental picture, gold will register a sustainable advance above $1,800 an ounce, possibly never again to see prices below this level. [Let me explain why I believe strongly that that is the case.] Words: 800

Read More »'s Most Read Articles Week-ending November 26th, 2011

You probably don't have enough time during the past week much to surf the internet in search of informative and well-written articles on the health of the economies of the U.S., Canada and Europe; the on-going development of the world's financial crisis and the various investment opportunities that present themselves related to commodities (gold and silver in particular) and the stock market - but don't worry! - I have done it for you

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Markets are Living in Fear and Pessimism but Time May Be On Our Side – Here's Why

Comparing the level of the Vix Index of implied equity volatility to the level of the 10-yr Treasury yield is a handy way of gauging how extreme market sentiment is. The Vix index is a good proxy for fear (because the implied volatility of options determines how expensive it is to purchase options in order to limit one's downside risk), and the 10-yr Treasury yield is a good proxy for the market's long-term outlook for growth and inflation. When you combine a high level of the Vix with a low level of the 10-yr, you have a market that is not only very fearful but also very pessimistic about the future. [IMO, however, we may well have time on our side. Here's what I mean by that.] Words: 730

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