As many of you know, my primary forecast regarding Europe is that the EU will be broken up and/or collapse within the coming months. The reasons for this are financial, monetary and political in nature [with much of the latter dependant on what happens in Germany. Let me explain.] Words: 516
Read More »‘Socialism Light’ to Morph Into Full-blown Socialism and Result in Decline of Industrial Civilization! Here's Why
What we have had in the West, in recent decades, has been the welfare state..., what I would call ‘socialism light’...The people in power, the elite, do not want to relinquish their power so they plan to retain it under full-blown socialism for the populations of the West....This...means the inevitable decline of industrial civilization, and the inevitable impoverishment of the world’s population....
Read More »Gold is Not in a Bubble – Here's Why
"Gold is in a bubble" is a comment that is usually made with little evidence to support this claim. Typically, the primary support is the fact that the Gold price has meaningfully risen over the last decade but citing a rising price is simply insufficient to draw such conclusions. [Let me explain.] Words: 534
Read More »Europe is Heading Off a Financial Cliff! Here's Why & How to Protect Your Portfolio
Europe is heading off a cliff! From one end of the continent to the other, the numbers suggest a double-dip recession is striking with brutal force...and with the world as interconnected as it is these days, what happens in Europe WILL impact our companies and markets here so now is the time to position your portfolio to weather the storm. Words: 900
Read More »Profitable Gold Parties Capitalizing on Growing Interest in Gold – Here's How to Have Your Own!
Innovative and rewarding gold parties are popping up all over northern Colorado these days. [Could they be coming your way in the near future? Better yet, why don't you make arrangements to have your very own! Here's how.] Words: 460
Read More »Michael Pento Doubts U.S. Can Inflate Its Way Out of Debt – Here's Why
Michael Pento, president of Pento Portfolio Strategies, and Peter Tchir, founder of TF Market Advisors, talk about Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman's recommendation that policy makers should consider allowing slightly higher inflation as a way to spur the U.S. economy.
Read More »Canada's Fundamentals Scream: buy, Buy, BUY! Here's Why
Part of being a good contrarian investor is constantly looking beyond your investment "comfort zone" and trying to find less-followed opportunities... [and the Canadian stock market represents just such an] opportunity. Here's why. Words: 465
Read More »D-Day is Coming: A Financial Crisis is Brewing in France – Here's Why
“The real risk for the euro zone now is not Greece, but France,” says a top French finance boss. Nicolas Baverez, a commentator who foresaw the country’s looming debt problems in a bestselling book of 2003, agrees: “I’m convinced that France will be the centre of the next shock in the euro zone.” [below their views are substantiated with some alarming and disturbing facts about France;s financial situation and how their politicians are failing to address the brewing crisis.] Words:740
Read More »John Embry: ‘Plunge Protection Team’ Hard at Work While Investors Puke Up Mining Stocks! (+2K Views)
Most novice investors don’t understand the fundamentals and so they are puking up the mining stocks because they just want out but...this is when you want to buy, when sentiment is negative and fundamentals are astoundingly positive.
Read More »Which Will Do Better in 2012: Gold Bullion or Gold Stocks?
One of the big debates of 2011 was whether the performance discrepancy between physical gold prices and gold equities was going to diverge back to normal. As you may recall, gold equities grossly underperformed gold bullion throughout 2011. For most of the year, gold prices traded anywhere between 15 to 40 percent higher than their equity counterparts. [How will 2012 end up? Here are my views.] Words: 700
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