Thursday , 9 January 2025

Lorimer Wilson

It’s Crucial to Challenge ‘Commentator Credibility’ When Evaluating Gold ‘Mining’ Companies – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Every day now there is Media and Internet commentary on the current prices at which gold mining stocks are trading. Some of this commentary is excellent, some seems to be written from a "vested interest' perspective and some is very simplistic. [This article discusses unstated underlying assumptions that some commentators base their views on, endeavours to provide a greater understanding of the gold 'mining' sector and influences on pricing of sector stocks and what investors need to do before investing in said sector.] Words: 2030

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Brent vs. West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil: What’s the Diff? (+2K Views)

We use crude oil for everything from running our cars to making plastic. The need for oil causes conflicts and gives power to those countries that have an abundance of it. Taking all this into account, not too many of us actually know how it’s priced. A lot of us hear how much it costs per barrel or get mad when prices go up at the pump but what’s the method behind the madness? Hopefully, I can shed a little light on the process. Words: 790

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Crude Oil: Which Countries Consume It Most Efficiently? (+2K Views)

One of the most fundamental relationships of the modern economy is the tie between the amount of energy a country consumes and their GDP and is an excellent way to predict a country's economic productivity. [This article analysis the daily number of barrels of oil consumed for 20 countries relative to their PPP adjusted GDP. Germany has the largest residual of all developed countries followed closely by the U.K. while the U.S. has the poorest and Canada is not far behind. Read on to determine just how efficient your country actually is in its crude oil utilization.] Words: 470

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Why & How the Euro Came About and What the Future Holds

Introduction: "The crisis in the eurozone is the result of France’s persistent pursuit of the “European project,” the goal of political unification that began after World War II [with the hope] that a political union, a United States of Europe similar to America's, would...prevent the types of conflict that had caused three major European wars...[and] also make Europe a power comparable to the United States, and thereby give France, with its sophisticated foreign service, an important role in European and world affairs." [What went wrong and what does the future hold?]

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The Outlook for Gold Remains VERY Positive – Here's Why

There’s clearly a lot of fear in capital markets around the world and that’s usually represented by a rush to short-term government bonds, in particular US dollar government bonds. With this type of fear and the need for liquidity, just about all assets get sold and gold is one of those assets. If you have a longer-term view, however, and you believe these problems will be met with additional liquidity, then gold is something you should accumulate.

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These 48 Stocks Performed Best in Previous 4 Market Corrections/Crashes – Should Any Be In Your Portfolio? (+4K Views)

As investors become more and more worried about the world makes sense to us to look into stocks that held up best in periods of market decline. Managing risk is as important as reaching for return. One aspect of managing for risk is the past behavior of particular stocks in negative market periods. Toward that end, we identified four key, recent down periods for the S&P 500, and identified those liquid stocks that were in the top quartile for price return in each of those four periods, and did at least as well as the S&P 500 index in the 2008 crash period. [Take a look!] Words: 620

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