If you are angry about LIBOR – angry that 18 banks can set one of the world’s most important interest rates in such a poorly supervised, ill-understood manner - you should be even angrier that just 12 people sitting in a room can set the world’s single most important interest rate to suit the needs of the stock market, all under the pretence of controlling inflation? Let me explain. Words: 810
Read More »S&P 500's Performance Will Determine If, and When, We Have QE3 – Here's Why
If you are angry about LIBOR – angry that 18 banks can set one of the world’s most important interest rates in such a poorly supervised, ill-understood manner - you should be even angrier that just 12 people sitting in a room can set the world’s single most important interest rate to suit the needs of the stock market, all under the pretence of controlling inflation? Let me explain. Words: 810
Read More »Uncle Sam vs. Johnny Canuck: One is Thriving, the Other is Just Surviving (+2K Views)
For the first time in recent history, the average Canadian is richer than the average American. According to data from Environics Analytics WealthScapes published in the Globe and Mail, the net worth of the average Canadian household in 2011 was $363,202, while the average American household’s net worth was $319,970. [In addition,] Canada’s unemployment rate...[has fallen to] 7.2%, and America’s [remains at] 8.2%. Canada continues to thrive while the U.S. struggles to find its way out of an intractable economic crisis and a political sine curve of hope and despair. Words: 805
Read More »S&P 500 Prospects Not Good Given Economic Situations in Europe & Asia – Here’s Why
...[V]iewed objectively, the world currently stands at the precipice of an even greater crisis than the one in 2008-2009 but you wouldn't know it by looking at US stock prices. The S&P 500 is down only about 10% from its peak levels in October 2007 compared to the leading indicator stock markets in Spain, Italy and China which...are all down by 60% or more since their peaks. It is folly to think that the S&P 500 index can long withstand simultaneous conflagrations in those countries because, as their economies go, so too will the entire global economy and [that is bound to adversely affect the U.S. as] close to 50% of all S&P 500 earnings are derived from outside the U.S.. Words: 840
Read More »S&P 500 Prospects Not Good Given Economic Situations in Europe & Asia – Here's Why
...[V]iewed objectively, the world currently stands at the precipice of an even greater crisis than the one in 2008-2009 but you wouldn't know it by looking at US stock prices. The S&P 500 is down only about 10% from its peak levels in October 2007 compared to the leading indicator stock markets in Spain, Italy and China which...are all down by 60% or more since their peaks. It is folly to think that the S&P 500 index can long withstand simultaneous conflagrations in those countries because, as their economies go, so too will the entire global economy and [that is bound to adversely affect the U.S. as] close to 50% of all S&P 500 earnings are derived from outside the U.S.. Words: 840
Read More »STOP Being So Negative! Here’s Proof U.S. Is Still Highly Competitive, Innovative and Resilient
...[In spite of the fact that] our economy is still struggling to regain its strength [as a result of] stubborn unemployment and sluggish growth at home combined with a slowing China and a dysfunctional eurozone have cast a dark shadow on America’s eternal optimism....I believe there is nowhere else in the world where opportunity abounds and initiative is rewarded as it is in the U.S.A.. [This is confirmed by] the findings of IMD's annual World Competitiveness Yearbook which surveyed more than 4,200 international executives as to how well countries manage their economic and human resources to increase prosperity. Of the 59 ranked economies in 2012, the U.S. ranked 2nd. Words: 734
Read More »STOP Being So Negative! Here's Proof U.S. Is Still Highly Competitive, Innovative and Resilient
...[In spite of the fact that] our economy is still struggling to regain its strength [as a result of] stubborn unemployment and sluggish growth at home combined with a slowing China and a dysfunctional eurozone have cast a dark shadow on America’s eternal optimism....I believe there is nowhere else in the world where opportunity abounds and initiative is rewarded as it is in the U.S.A.. [This is confirmed by] the findings of IMD's annual World Competitiveness Yearbook which surveyed more than 4,200 international executives as to how well countries manage their economic and human resources to increase prosperity. Of the 59 ranked economies in 2012, the U.S. ranked 2nd. Words: 734
Read More »Black-Scholes “Volatility Smile” Suggests S&P 500 Could End 2012 15% Higher – Here’s Why
According to all sorts of financial media, the end of the fiscal world as we know it is about to occur. All rational individuals surely would come to the same conclusion, right? Wrong! For the past 3 years, the "world has been ending" according to nearly every publication. The market however, simply does not agree with this prognosis. Throughout the past 3 years, despite the negative headlines, the markets have rallied over 50% in wave after wave of briefly interrupted momentum. Given this continuous counter-intuitive bullish onslaught, and according to the volatility smile and the current positioning of money in the options market, I believe it is entirely possible for the S&P 500 to end the year...up 15% from its current price. [Let me explain.] Words: 829
Read More »Black-Scholes "Volatility Smile" Suggests S&P 500 Could End 2012 15% Higher – Here's Why
According to all sorts of financial media, the end of the fiscal world as we know it is about to occur. All rational individuals surely would come to the same conclusion, right? Wrong! For the past 3 years, the "world has been ending" according to nearly every publication. The market however, simply does not agree with this prognosis. Throughout the past 3 years, despite the negative headlines, the markets have rallied over 50% in wave after wave of briefly interrupted momentum. Given this continuous counter-intuitive bullish onslaught, and according to the volatility smile and the current positioning of money in the options market, I believe it is entirely possible for the S&P 500 to end the year...up 15% from its current price. [Let me explain.] Words: 829
Read More »China’s Foreign Investment Spending ($443 Billion) by Country
The Heritage Foundation just put out a report full of charts and infographics highlighting "key economic and political indicators for Asia." Here is one to watch – China's foreign investment spending in other countries. Take a look!
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