Some of the most rewarding set ups in investing come when extremes have been reached. Currently the Gold Miners Bullish Percent Index has dropped to 7.14% - an extreme reading, one rarely ever seen, and not since the panic drop in March of 2009. Following that signal, GDX rallied for the next 2½ years increasing over 4 times in value. As such, a move up in the Gold Miners Bullish Percent Index from these historically low levels could signal another major move in gold mining stocks....[Let me explain further.] Words: 1078
Read More »Contrarian Investors Take Note: Extreme Low of Gold Miners Bullish Percent Index Screams BUY! Here’s Why (+2K Views)
Some of the most rewarding set ups in investing come when extremes have been reached. Currently the Gold Miners Bullish Percent Index has dropped to 7.14% - an extreme reading, one rarely ever seen, and not since the panic drop in March of 2009. Following that signal, GDX rallied for the next 2½ years increasing over 4 times in value. As such, a move up in the Gold Miners Bullish Percent Index from these historically low levels could signal another major move in gold mining stocks....[Let me explain further.] Words: 1078
Read More »What is the Fed REALLY Up To?
Some argue that the Fed is inorganically manipulating free enterprise while others maintain that all the Fed is trying to do is create a balanced economy. This infographic looks at how the Fed's actions are actually impacting the economy and just what information is still being kept from us.
Read More »Pento: The U.S. is About 2 Years Behind Europe’s Pernicious Path
The U.S. is about two years behind Europe’s pernicious path. We are now over 100% debt to GDP, and if we want to know our future, all we have to do is look across the Atlantic because that’s exactly where we are headed.
Read More »80%+ Chance Stocks Will Rally by End of 2012 – Here’s Why
The American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) released its latest sentiment readings yesterday...[which showed that] bullish sentiment dropped a full eight percentage points to 22.19%, the largest weekly decline since April 12....Now that virtually no one is optimistic about the stock market, that’s all the more reason we should be bullish. You see, during the current bull market, when bullish sentiment drops below 25%, stocks (almost) always rally over the next three and six months. Take a look. Words: 384
Read More »80%+ Chance Stocks Will Rally by End of 2012 – Here's Why
The American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) released its latest sentiment readings yesterday...[which showed that] bullish sentiment dropped a full eight percentage points to 22.19%, the largest weekly decline since April 12....Now that virtually no one is optimistic about the stock market, that’s all the more reason we should be bullish. You see, during the current bull market, when bullish sentiment drops below 25%, stocks (almost) always rally over the next three and six months. Take a look. Words: 384
Read More »Richard Duncan: IF Credit Bubble Pops Civilization Won’t Survive the Depression that Follows
Our civilization would not be able to handle such a transition from an expansionary credit based economy where goods and services were readily available into a paradigm of credit contraction, supply shortages and destitution and this is what is coming. There is no way to prevent it – only to defer it until a later date - and that day will soon be upon us. Words: 590
Read More »Richard Duncan: IF Credit Bubble Pops Civilization Won’t Survive the Depression that Follows (+2K Views)
Our civilization would not be able to handle such a transition from an expansionary credit based economy where goods and services were readily available into a paradigm of credit contraction, supply shortages and destitution and this is what is coming. There is no way to prevent it – only to defer it until a later date - and that day will soon be upon us. Words: 590
Read More »Nouriel Roubini: 2013 Perfect Storm Scenario Unfolding as Predicted! OK Nouriel, So What Do You Suggest Investors Do??
Other than telling us how smart they are, I am not sure what economists like "Dr. Doom" Nouriel Roubini accomplish with repeated warnings that, ultimately, amount to little more than self-aggrandizing and incessant self-promotion. Roubini's continued calls for Armageddon provide as much utility as a Southern California traffic report. The 405 is jammed and so is every nearby alternate route, so just stay where you are. Even meteorologists offer more useful information. There's a heat wave -- seek shade, drink plenty of water. Or it's going to rain, grab an umbrella as you head out the door.
Read More »More Roubini: Fed May Not be Able to Prevent Next Stock Market Plunge
Nouriel Roubini thinks things could get bad after the U.S. presidential elections in November, so bad that the Fed may not be able to prevent the next stock market plunge, and may even go so far as to buy stocks to keep things afloat at some point. Read on to find out what else Dr. Doom thinks might be in store for us.] Words: 310
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