Thursday , 9 January 2025

Lorimer Wilson

von Greyerz: More QE & Higher Gold Prices Virtually Guaranteed! Here's Why

"The U.S., with $15 trillion in debt, and roughly $1.5 trillion in tax revenues, is an enormous disaster waiting to happen. At 10% interest rates the U.S. would use 100% of its tax revenues to finance the debt....This is why money printing is guaranteed...and this time, like it has before, it will lead to a financial crash [which] will be of a worldwide magnitude.”

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Here's How to Invest – and Thrive – Should Nouriel Roubini's 'Perfect Storm' Engulf Us

Back in May of 2012 Nouriel Roubini (aka Dr. Doom) predicted that slowing growth in the United States, growing debt troubles in Europe, a slowdown in China, and intensifying political gridlock with Iran would come together to create a “Perfect Storm” for the world economy. Below we outline three ETFs that could thrive as global economic growth expectations deteriorate, keeping in mind that virtually no asset class will be safe if the “Perfect Storm” actually strikes. Words: 606

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There is NOTHING Wrong With Outsourcing or Free Trade. Here's Why

Outsourcing is a good thing, despite our two presidential opponents excoriating each other over it.... Trade xenophobia is a political tool to divert blame from where it belongs - government - [and]...politicians who talk about “fair” trade are just trying to justify more protectionism...[which] always make people poorer rather than MORE prosperous. [Let me explain.] Words: 430

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Here's the Complete Picture Regarding Natural Gas

New gas technology such as hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and horizontal drilling have changed the complexion of natural gas in North America. This infographic explores natural gas, its properties, natural gas market dynamics, supply forecasts, demand, the shale revolution, and the switch from coal to natural gas. We also raise questions about methane leakage and hydraulic fracturing.

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