Greenspan orchestrated massive asset price inflation in the face of K-Winter Deflation by aggressively printing and devaluing the US Dollar. Many look to see “where the Dollars are going”, but it is the effect of Dollar Devaluation on Price Inflation that is most important. The Dollar Devaluation will grossly devalue the debts while driving key asset prices like Gold sharply, higher.
Read More »“GOLDRUNNER: SUPER FRACTAL GOLD- 45 degree rise = 70 degrees off horizontal”
Jim Sinclair’s comment- “This line is no line in sand, but rather it is an event horizon that every reader should print out and paste on the wall behind their trading platform. However they will not. In the heat of emotion the gold community will be selling their children to buy gold as it over runs $4500.”
Read More »GOLDRUNNER: THE FED, DEBT, AND GOLD- Pt. 1- Follow the dots . . . . . . .
This period of the long-term investing cycle is all about reality versus fantasy, but on several different levels. The system has been turned upside down by using “paper derivatives” that can be expanded to infinity for “price discovery.” Even paper money is a “derivative” since periodically in the long-term cycle, like today, the world must turn to REAL MONEY GOLD to bail out the paper currency system.
Read More »GOLDRUNNER: THE FED, DEBT, AND GOLD- Pt. 2- Follow the dots . . . . . . .
Since the Fed has the control of the money, it knows in advance what it will do. Thus, the Fed Banks have very powerful legal inside information and can front-run everything that they do while taking no risk, whatsoever!
Read More »World’s Largest Economies Have NO Choice But to Engage in Massive Money Printing – Here’s Why
The choice facing the leaders of the world’s largest economies is a simple one: Either they engage in massive money printing, or they let the world slip into another great depression. This article examines why they have no choice but to print money, something which will have significant consequences for everyone. Words: 560
Read More »World’s Largest Economies Have NO Choice But to Engage in Massive Money Printing – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
The choice facing the leaders of the world’s largest economies is a simple one: Either they engage in massive money printing, or they let the world slip into another great depression. This article examines why they have no choice but to print money, something which will have significant consequences for everyone. Words: 560
Read More »A Return to a Global Gold Standard is Inevitable – Here are 4 Scenarios that Could Cause it to Happen (2K Views)
In the years ahead we will witness the death of paper money and the reemergence of a global gold standard. This article examines why this transition is inevitable, how it might occur, and how to protect yourself from it. Words: 1086
Read More »I’m A Crazy Silver Bug…Why Aren’t You?!!
It’s true that there are “NO SURE THINGS” in life…but an investment in SILVER comes DARN CLOSE! Yes, you’ll have to ride the tidal wave of price manipulation but when the waves die down you will fully appreciate the power and value of SILVER. Let me explain.
Read More »I’m A Crazy Silver Bug…Why Aren’t You?!! (+2K Views)
It’s true that there are “NO SURE THINGS” in life…but an investment in SILVER comes DARN CLOSE! Yes, you’ll have to ride the tidal wave of price manipulation but when the waves die down you will fully appreciate the power and value of SILVER. Let me explain.
1) Yet, VALUE is different things in different parts of the long-term cycle. 2) This is because VALUE IS “SEEN” IN DIFFERENT ASSET CLASSES at different points in the cycle depending on how money printing and interest rates affect different parts of the economy.
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