Those dependent on the welfare state are unaware that their benefits are not sustainable. Most believe tomorrow will be like today and the checks will keep coming from Mother Government. Political power was gained based on promising these benefits. No politician will risk his position by trying to reduce them. No democratic society has ever rolled them back via peaceful political means. [At worst,] the economy and society could end up in ashes [and, at best,] the world is in for a long period of stagnation, retrogression and conflict. [Let me explain more fully.] Words: 1115
Read More »Links to 5 of the “Best-of-the-Best” Articles on the Financial Plight of the USA (+2K Views)
Given the hectic lives we lead you may well have missed some excellent articles on the financial plight of the U.S. and recent developments in the economy. Not to worry. Below are introductory paragraphs and links to 5 of the “best-of-the-best” articles on the subject.
Read More »“Ponzi Finance”: What Must Happen To Bring It To An End?
The Boston Consulting Group has issued a paper that recommends 10 steps that developed countries must take to end what they refer to as 'Ponzi finance' and to return to a sustainable growth path but I believe their recommendations to be but theoretical and impractical constructs. While I believe we face - and will experience - interesting, speculative, fragile, and very challenging and very likely life-changing times going forward, I believe that the only thing that will force developed country politicians to work for common purposes is a further global financial crisis. This article provides an overview and assessment of said paper and the rationale for my position. Words: 600
Read More »Links to 12 of the “Best-of-the-Best” Articles on Gold & Silver You Might Have Missed
Been busy? Not to worry. Here are introductory paragraphs and links to 13 of the “best of the best”articles on gold and silver that you might have missed reading. Each article has been edited for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure you a fast and easy read. Read just one or read them all. Enjoy!
Read More »Price of Gold Reacting to Renewed Weakness in U.S. Dollar Index – Take a Look
A month ago it looked like the U.S. Dollar Index would crash through its 1-year support line. Instead, the index bounced off it like an Indian rubber ball (remember?) and, in the process, hurt the price of gold and silver. That seems to have reversed in the past few days. Take a look at the charts. Words: 431; Charts: 2
Read More »Keep the Faith – This Bull Market in Gold STILL Promises to Be One for the History Books! Here’s Why
Seeing the S&P 500 outperform gold and seeing gold stocks get decimated...has been enough to create suicidal the precious metals (PM) sector...but, as the many calls for an end of the PM bull market...[are expressed,] the risk in the PM sector gets lower and lower. The bigger picture hasn't changed and isn't going to for some time [so] keep the faith and hold onto your PM sector items tight. Don't let the short and intermediate-term noise distract you from what STILL promises to be a secular bull market for the history books. The Dow to Gold ratio will hit 2 and might even go below 1 this cycle. [Let me explain.] Words: 873
Read More »Goldrunner Update: Gold, Silver & PM Stock Sentiment Sucks BUT the Fundamentals Are Off the Wall!
Sentiment in the precious metals sector is in the toilet yet the fundamentals for the sector are off the walls positive. That is not secret, but it is what creates huge market moves in the direction of the fundamentals. In fact, market management will never move price against the underlying fundamentals for too long a period of time.
Read More »The Captains of Monetary Policy Have Not Grasped These Priceless Lessons of History & At Our Expense!
If you are clearly watching, listening and paying attention to what is going on around you, and not what the press 'conjures up' and the political apparatus 'spins', then the following lessons, in the following sequence, should resonate with you. [Unfortunately, however,] the captains of world monetary policy have not and, as such, they have put the world on a course that history has warned us against [and we will eventually pay the price of their ignorance and ineptitude. Take a look. These words of wisdom (lessons) are as timely today as when first spoken/written.] Words: 865
Read More »What’s Presently Occurring Is Unsustainable & It’s Inevitable It Will End – Badly! Here’s Why
To any sane person who has a grasp of what is presently occurring, it is obvious that the current state of affairs is unsustainable. The question is how long can the monetary captains' misguided policies keep us off the shoals of our economic destruction. How long can policies of "extend and pretend", "kick the can down the road" or "fake it until you make it" continue? The answer is unknowable but...when something is UNSUSTAINABLE it is INEVITABLE that it will END. TIME is the only unknown. The certainty of it ending BADLY is not. Words: 1265; Charts: 6
Read More »Alf Field: Once $1,800 Is Taken Out Gold Will See a Vigorous Climb to $4,500 Area (2K Views)
There is a high probability that the correction in the gold price that started in early October at $1797 has been completed. Once $1800 is taken out on the upside the gold chart will look tremendous. A beautiful “cup and handle” base would then provide strong support for a vigorous upward climb in the precious metal. At this stage there is no reason to abandon the rough target of $4500 for this coming upward wave. [Below is my analysis and some charts on the situation.] Words: 434; Charts: 2
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