After having compounded at over 19% p.a. over 11 years, gold certainly should be allowed to just gain 7% in 2012 without some people calling an end to the bull market. Those who believe the bull market is over are mainly the investors who have missed gold going up almost 7 times in since 1999. Let me be very clear, the real move in gold hasn’t started yet, it is still to come. Here are my reasons why. Words: 1000
Read More »“My Fellow Frantic Americans”: What Obama Might Have Said In His Inauguration Address:)
[Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans] I would like to [take this opportunity to] inform you about the state of the union. Before I begin, however, I would ask that [the millions of Americans listening to me on T.V., on the internet and on the radio] take a moment to make sure the elderly, weak or infirm in your household are sitting down. In fact, just make sure everyone is sitting down and adequately restrained [because] what I'm going to tell you is the cold, hard, ugly truth... The state of your union is worse than it has been since 1861, and it's only going to get worse... much worse. Let me break down the situation for you in the simplest terms possible. Words: 1689
Read More »Inflation: What Do the Non-CPI Inflation Gauges Say It Is? (+2K Views)
Whenever the BLS posts their monthly CPI there's always the same response from critics that the index is flawed. That's fine. I think a healthy dose of skepticism regarding government data is perfectly good. So let's take a look at some independent gauges to see where prices are.
Read More »U.S. Is NOT Going to Become Energy Independent – Period! Here are 3 Reasons Why (+2K Views)
The United States is not going to become energy independent because of tight oil. Period. Reports to the contrary are an illusion of U.S. energy independence based on unrealistic assumptions and projections about the long-term potential of oil production from tight formations like the Bakken Shale in North Dakota and the Eagle Ford Shale in Texas. There are several compelling reasons for this [as outlined below]. Words: 575
Read More »The Silver Series: Silver as an Investment (Part 3)
Silver has had double digit gains in 7 of the last 10 years. In this infographic, we look at the investment properties of silver as well as its chief differences with gold. Highlights include a study on silver correlation, volatility, performance against the US Dollar and money supply, and portfolio diversification.
Read More »Crisis Phase Beginning: U.S. Economy to Go Into a Severe Recession By End of 2013! Here’s Why (+2K Views)
We have been hearing a lot about escaping the fiscal cliff, but our problem isn’t solved. The fixes to date have been partial and temporary. There are many painful decisions ahead. Based on recent research and my analysis of the situation, civilization is in the early stage of the Crisis phase (state breakdown) and the U.S. will most likely enter a severe recession by the end of 2013. [Below is my rationale.] Words: 2979; Charts: 8
Read More »New! These Debit Cards Are Backed By Physical Gold & Silver (+3K Views)
Precious metals have historically been excellent ways to preserve one’s purchasing power over the long term. However, in today’s world, they do not act well as a medium of exchange. To solve this problem Peter Schiff and his teams worldwide have worked out a totally new service: the first Gold and Silver Debit cards that gives bank customers access to their gold and silver holdings.
Read More »20 Reasons Why a Significant % of Your Investment Portfolio Should Be In Silver (+2K Views)
I believe that silver could go to $60 per troy ounce by the end of 2014....I also believe silver will be the best single investment of this decade. The following article is focused on why I think you should seriously consider having a significant percentage of your investment portfolio in silver. Words: 1600
Read More »What You Should Know About the “Dogs of the Dow” Investment Strategy (+2K Views)
The "Dogs of the Dow" is a simple and effective strategy that has outperformed the Dow over the last 50 years and generates almost 4% in yield. Here’s how it works. Words: 486
Read More »5 Sound Reasons Investors Would Be Better Off On the Sidelines Than In the Market (+2K Views)
While no one can predict the exact peak, here are five reasons you're better off on the sidelines than in the market.
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