Friday , 10 January 2025

Lorimer Wilson

Hopes of a Gold Spike In Dollar-denominated Terms Are Just That – Hopes! Here’s Why

[We read over and over again that] because of the massive amounts of money the Feds are injecting into the USA economy through quantitative easing, inflation is going to spike any day now, and the dollar is going to crash and, with that, gold will go to the moon - but it is not happening. It must be frustrating for gold investors. It is likely also puzzling to them. In this article I will try to explain why the U.S. dollar is not likely to crash anytime soon, and hopes of a gold spike in dollar-denominated terms are just that, hopes. Words: 730

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Stop! Don’t Forget Market Risk – Remember What Happened in 2000 & 2007/8 (+2K Views)

Investors are more bullish now than at any time since 2002 but the current rally has not been fueled by improved prospects of actual growth and wealth creation. Instead, it’s mostly due to 1) investors desperate for income denied them elsewhere by central bank policies; 2) printed stimulus cash seeking a home and 3) sheer technical momentum but nowhere do they seem to be considering market risk - the risk that your investment will lose value because it gets dragged down in a falling market. Words: 615

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“Follow Me” Says Analyst Who Claims a String of +500% Winners in the Junior Mining Sector Over the Past 10 Years (+2K Views)

...Even in these challenging times there have been many great winners in the natural resource sector. I have been fortunate, lucky or smart to have racked up some nice gains through the years. I have been consistently picking winners, big winners, monster winners for years - a string of 10 years of 500% plus winners and more, sometimes much more, year after year - ...[so] my message to you is simple: follow me! Your only question should be "Which of my current positions will be the next big winners?" Words: 804; Table: 1

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Spend Your Bernanke Bux Now on PHYSICAL Gold & Silver! Here’s Why! (4K Views)

If Venezuela were any guide, we would have to say "Buy gold and silver, right here, right now!"...For those of you who hold Bernanke Bux, aka fiat paper, pay close attention. Those Venezuelan citizens who held paper Bolivars took a 46% hit on their purchasing power. Those citizens there who held gold and silver saw an equivalent 46% jump in their holdings. If you think it cannot happen here, you are wrong. It already has. Words: 295

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World’s Awash In Money: Its Implications & How to Invest Accordingly

Bain & Co., the private equity firm that you might have heard of during the presidential campaign last year, has come out with a fascinating set of projections for the global capital markets...The generality of...the report [is that] the world is awash in money looking for someplace to invest that will earn a return and [that,] over the rest of this decade, the amount of money looking to be invested will grow by about 50%. What does that imply [and how should you therefore invest? This article addresses both issues well.] Words: 1349

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Some Good Reasons to Be More Aggressive – or More Defensive – in the Markets Right Now

Whether you are aware of it or not, a great battle is being waged around us. It is a war of two opposing narratives: the future of our economy and our standard of living. This battle is about to break and when it does, one side will turn out to be much more 'right' than the other. The time for action has arrived. It's time to choose a side; to do your own personal calculus of the risks to determine where you need to be positioned and to take the necessary steps to get well-situated where you assess you need to be, to position yourself in the direction of the break you think is most likely to happen. [This article comments on both positions to help you come to a decision as to whether you should play offense or defense.] Words: 1600

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Insider Trading Suggests Coming Market Crash (+3K Views)

What you are about to read below is startling. •Every time that the market has fallen in recent years, insiders have been able to get out ahead of time... •[What] is so alarming [this time round is] that corporate insiders are selling nine times as many shares as they are buying right now. •In addition, some extraordinarily large bets have just been made that will only pay off if the financial markets in the U.S. crash by the end of April. •So what does all of this mean? [Could it be that they] have insider knowledge that a market crash is coming? Evaluate the evidence below and decide for yourself. Words: 570

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