The Tokyo Nikkei Average rose +82% in just six months in a parabolic move that was doomed from the start. They almost always are. When a parabolic move breaks, as it did in May, the speed of the decline can be catastrophic and has fallen 22% to date. The downside expectation is for prices to return to the level of the basing pattern that preceded it. In this case between 8300 to 9100. That is not a prediction, just the level we at which we might expect to start looking for a tradable bottom.
Read More »U.S. Economy: Reduce Spending (Future Depression) OR Keep Spending (Future Hyperinflation) – +5K Views
The U.S. government is in what is known as a "debt death spiral". They must borrow money to repay prior debts. It is as if they are using their Visa Card to make an American Express payment. The rate of new debt additions dwarf any rate of growth the economy can possibly achieve. The end is certain, only its timing is unknown, and, once interest rates begin to rise, and they will, it's game over.
Read More »Stock Market Will Crash By Late June or Early July! Here’s Why
The euphoria phase of the bull market that I warned about months ago is now beginning its final parabolic phase. I'm guessing we still have another 1 to 1.5 months before this runaway move finally ends.
Read More »What Are the “Titanic Syndrome” & “Hindenburg Omen”? What Are They Now Saying? (+3K Views)
There are two market warning signs which have just recently been triggered and which have gotten a lot of press attention due to their catchy names - the Titanic Syndrome and the Hindenburg Omen - both of which are giving a “preliminary sell signal” based on analyses of 52-week New Lows (NL) in relation to New Highs (NH) on the NYSE within a specific period of time.
Read More »America’s Economic Divide In 5 Graphic Maps (+2K Views)
The annual survey American Community Survey by the Census Bureau collects much more detailed information than the decennial census, [and the data from the latest survey is depicted in maps, of which 5 are provided here on America's economic divide and] are relevant for thinking about communities most in need of investment.
Read More »Nasdaq 100 Dropped 80% Last Time Penny Stock Volume Was So High – Will it be different this time? (+2K Views)
Penny stock volume as a percentage of Nasdaq volume became a very large percentage (3.2%) back in the dotcom bubble peak in February of 2000, reflecting that a high level of speculative trading was taking place. In the next few years the Nasdaq 100 lost over 80% of its value! Recently such penny stock volume has risen to a record high of 4.5%! Will it be different this time?
Read More »Gold Price Should Peak in June 2013 – Here’s Why (+3K Views)
The 21 month time frame for the next gold peak, the $30 trillion price tag for the debt, and the 64 month bull market fractal for money printing are all coming together squarely at the same date - June 2013. Words: 1350
Read More »These 5 Leading Investment Indicators Suggest the Stock Market Is OVERvalued – Take a Look (+5K Views)
We have been in the throes of a secular bear market, subject to strong cyclical swings in either direction, since 2000. Currently, based on the 5 leading investment indicators analyzed in this article, the measures all confirm that, from a longer-term perspective, the market remains overvalued. Let's take a look at each to see why that is the case.
Read More »Gold & Silver Rules of Engagement: IF This Happens, THEN Do That – Here’s Why, Here’s How
Never go against the market. It does not matter what your beliefs are...It does not matter what the fundamentals are either. [What matters] is the TREND! Once you know the trend is up you need a game plan on how to participate from the buy side and when the trend is down, a plan ion how to participate from the short side. If there is no trend, then the odds are not favorable for either game plan.[So exactly what are the charts saying about the trend in gold and silver these days? Read on!]
Read More »My Point-by-Point Rebuttal of Roubini’s 7-point Analysis on the Bursting of the Gold Bubble
People ask me all the time where the price of gold is headed. I do not pretend to know, especially in the short-term. However, I understand the fundamentals and Roubini clearly doesn't, nor does he have a clue about money or what causes economic growth...In fact, having just read Nouriel Roubini's seven point analysis on the Bursting of the Gold Bubble, I am of the opinion that he doesn't get even one of the seven points correct. In this article I offer a point-by-point rebuttal.
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