The next black swan is already staring us in the face. It's out of control currency debasement and it's going to be a collapse in the purchasing power of the US dollar. [After all,] does anyone seriously think that we can print trillions of dollars out of thin air for five years and not eventually have something bad happen?
Read More »Noonan: Charts Say “Still No Ending Action to Decline In Gold & Silver” (+2K Views)
The decline is holding near the last swing low. Will the June low hold? The odds are greater for the low not holding, based on the trend, but there is no way to determine the probability of the June low giving way, for it is possible it will not.
Read More »Stocks Will UNDERPERFORM Bonds Over Next 10 Year Period!
The stock market is likely to experience a 4-year overall market loss of -25%, followed by positive 9% average annual total returns for the S&P 500 over the subsequent 6-year period, which would compound to produce a 10-year total return averaging 2.3%.
Read More »China’s Reining In of U.S. Treasury Purchases Will Precipitate U.S. Dollar Collapse (+4K Views)
The People’s Bank of China is reported by Bloomberg to have said that it will rein in dollar purchases as the country no longer benefits from increases in its foreign-currency holdings...What implications will this have? I believe that we'll see the start of a U.S. dollar collapse. Here's why
Read More »What Are Royalty & Streaming Companies? Why Invest In Them? (+2K Views)
Royalty and streaming companies are not as safe as owning bullion intelligently stored, but they’re safer than the typical miner, with considerable upside margin over metals prices if things turn around from here.
Read More »Your Money Is Not Safe: Successful Cyber Attacks Against Banks & Businesses Increasing (+2K Views)
When it comes to the Internet, nobody is ever entirely safe. Every major website & company is being targeted - big banks are being hit "every minute of every day" - with sophisticated cyber attacks which have increased 42% in the past year. The amount of money being stolen is absolutely staggering. At some point it going to cause some major league problems. It is just a matter of time.
Read More »Believe It or Not: Biggest Threat to U.S. Is Economic Growth
Fed Chair Bernanke vehemently denies that the Fed “monetizes the debt,” but our research shows the Fed may be increasingly doing so. We explain why and what the implications may be for the dollar, gold and currencies.
Read More »Noonan on Fiat Currencies, Bitcoins, Gold & Silver (+3K Views)
The dramatic rise in Bitcoin is the best reminder for all those buying and holding physical gold and silver, for whatever length of time and at whatever price, better days are assured. It is just a matter of time.
Read More »Relax! Take Stock Market Bubble Warnings With a Grain of Salt – Here’s Why
Bubble predictions are headline-grabbing claims that are sure to attract reader/viewership and more than a few worried individuals who will be pushed to act but, like all forecasts, these bubble warnings should be taken with a grain of salt.
Read More »Kunstler: Positive Talk About U.S. Economy Is Nothing But Horse…!
It appears that the American economy — capital management division — has found the long-wished-for magic alternative energy source: horseshit. It is fueling the conversation all over the Web and over the senile mainstream media megaphones. [Let me explain.]
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