Every time the number of, or specific constituent, companies change in the Dow index any comparison of the new index value with the old index value is impossible to make with any validity whatsoever. It is like comparing the taste of a cocktail of fruits when the number of different fruits and their distinctive flavours – keep changing. Furthermore, because of the application of the ever changing Dow Divisor, we are always comparing a basket of today’s apples with a basket of yesterday’s pears.
Read More »Alert! Copper Has Plummeted – Plunge In S&P 500 Could Be Next – Here’s Why (+3K Views)
Copper has just met the lower resistance line of its descending triangle pattern and should it break through that resistance the price for copper could fall like a stone. That, in turn, would have a MAJOR "watch out below" impact on the future level of the S&P 500. Let me explain.
Read More »There IS Danger Ahead for the Markets – Really! Here’s Why (+2K Views)
We fail to pay attention to the warnings signs as long as we see no immediate danger and keep our foot pressed to the accelerator believing that since it hasn’t happened yet, it won’t. This time is only “different” from the perspective of the “why” and “when” the next major event occurs. Below are analyses and exhibits to support that contention.
Read More »Retirement for Most Americans Is Largely a Mirage – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
With defined benefit pension plans slowly going extinct and Americans not saving enough for retirement it is becoming tougher for Americans to retire and is setting the stage for a retirement disaster...
Read More »Economic Collapse Is a Distinct Possibility – Are You Prepared Even A Little Bit? (+2K Views)
Do you share concerns about the world today, and the path we are headed on? Do you believe a total economic collapse is a real risk? Many would say it’s a concern but doubt it’s actually going to happen. It’s always been okay, so it probably always will be, is certainly the view that most of us hold. The thing is, though, that it hasn’t always been ok and it could easily happen again. Are you prepared for such an eventuality?
Read More »Higher Gold Prices Suggest Renewed Economic Turmoil Ahead From 3 Possible Sources
Gold has a long and impressive record of warning of trouble ahead in the global economy. It has usually been right in the past — and it is telling us right now that the outlook is much less secure than the market assumes. You ignore it at your peril.
Read More »$17+ Trillion U.S. National Debt Adversely Affects Every American – Here’s Why & How
For the first time in U.S. history, the national debt has risen past $17 trillion. That number is a bit hard to comprehend and means little to Americans when not applied to their everyday lives. So just how does the national debt affect consumers, and why should the average American care about how much this country owes? Here's why and how.
Read More »Bitcoin Will Trade for Under $10 by June 30, 2014! (+2K Views)
Bitcoin’s days are numbered - literally. Ex-Federal Reserve Bank examiner, Mark T.Williams even goes so far as to predict that Bitcoin will trade for under $10 by June 30, 2014. That's a bold prediction, no doubt, but the point is clear – Bitcoin doesn’t stand a chance at ever gaining widespread adoption.
Read More »Is This Market Correction – an Opportunity to Buy – or a Signal to Sell? (+2K Views)
Stock market volatility, directed mostly to the downside this year, has caught the attention of anyone with funds at risk. The obvious question on most people’s minds is whether to get out or to put more money in. Advice going both ways is readily available. Here are some such articles. Take them into account and make your own decision regarding whether this correction is an opportunity to buy or a signal to sell.
Read More »Are You An Economic Zombie – An Economic Idiot? Take the Test
Do you focus almost solely on the present? Do you assume tomorrow will be just like today? Do you think that just because your current behavior regarding debt has not created trouble or hardship thus far, that it won’t tomorrow or on into the future? Would you not be able to get by if debt/credit were outlawed? Really?? Then you're an economic zombie - or perhaps even an economic idiot!
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