Finances aren’t everything in life but if you’re struggling to get ahead financially it makes sense to consider the cost of living where you decide to put down roots.
Read More »A Look At “Safe” Investments: Just How Safe Are They? (+2K Views)
Is there such a thing as a truly "safe" investment? The short answer is that no investment is 100% safe, but there are certainly some investments that are better than others at protecting your hard-earned savings. Let's examine some of the most common "safe" investments and learn how good they actually are at shielding you from financial losses.
Read More »What Financial Advisors (and Investors Too) Need To Understand About Asset Allocation (+2K Views)
You also have to remember that we always live in uncertain times. Asset allocation is how you manage your money without knowing what the future holds. Asset allocation is for long-term people. Here's a financial advisor’s guide to asset allocation:
Read More »The Most Common Reasons Why People Don’t Feel Ready For Retirement (+2K Views)
While work can provide routine and stability, as the years go by it can also grow to feel burdensome and stale. When to retire is a very personal question, linked to lifestyle and finances. Here are a few of the common reasons people feel they're not ready for retirement.
Read More »Get Cash For Your Smartphone Photos From These 3 Sites
If you love taking photos and have a great eye, you can turn your artistic vision into cash, right from your iPhone or Android phone. These three sites will pay cash for your smartphone photos. Here's how to get started.
Read More »Alternative Investments: Are They For You?
Back in 2007, 65% of American adults reported investing in stocks yet in 2016, only 52% said they had money invested in equities so, where is all the money going? While there are no clear answers to this question, there are alternatives to the stock market which might be palatable to certain investors. We'll explore these asset classes and ways in which even average investors might take advantage of their opportunities.
Read More »Corporate Earnings Trump Politics (+2K Views)
No matter what the Trump Administration and its many critics keep throwing at us, the market usually focuses more on corporate earnings than politics. Since we are in the middle of earnings season, stocks with strong sales, earnings, and forward guidance will likely continue to lead the market.
Read More »What an America First Trade Policy Could Mean for the US Dollar (+3K Views)
Are the actions being taken by Trump’s administration to spur domestic manufacturing, jobs and economic output a precursor to a weaker dollar and another bull market in gold? Only time will tell, but investors should keep close watch on this developing scenario and adjust portfolios accordingly.
Read More »Total Collapse Of Our Keynesian Debt System Could Arrive At Any Moment (+2K Views)
Our economic system (Keynesianism) is totally broken and invalid for solving our global economic problems going forward because it is a one-way street where debt grows and grows to unsustainable levels. The end game is default and bankruptcy.
Read More »What the Discrepancy Between the CPI and the Big Mac Index Tells Us (+8K Views)
Higher prices (inflation) are a natural consequence of our ever increasing monetary supply and the U.S. Department of Labor tracks those increases via a basket of common consumer goods which is known as the Consumer Price Index (CPI) but reveals a major discrepancy with The Economist's Big Mac index. Why is that?
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