Thursday , 24 October 2024

Fear Mongers or Prophets? Here’s What Some Say (+2K Views)

What sells better than sex? In the business of financial journalism, nothing – and I mean nothinginvestor-fear – sells better than fear and I’m not just talking about a little bit of fear either. No. We’re talking all-out financial, economic devastation and collapse, and the worst of all possible scenarios crouching on your doorstep ready to jump out and get you at any moment. Welcome to the doom-and-gloom “financial-tainment” industry. Get comfortable and start reading these highly addictive, sensationally-driven, doom-and-gloom financial commentaries. Great entertainment!

Compiled by Lorimer Wilson, editor of munKNEEYour Key to Making Money!

1. Martin Weiss: This Is the Most Important Warning of My Career!

The day of reckoning you always knew would come is less than 7 weeks away: CRAZY things are happening all over the world. It’s all part of a giant cycle. It all fits together. You could say that a perfect storm is brewing. The long-term cycles and short-term cycles all say the same thing. It’s actually quite amazing how they mesh…it’s not a pretty picture. It’s a very ugly picture, one might even say, a terrifying future, and it all begins in about six/seven weeks…I’m not a fear monger or a pessimist. I consider myself a positive person. I’m just a realist, and I’m afraid.

Simply by clicking this link you gain instant access to all THREE emergency sessions.

Financial Judgement Day: Stunning Predictions for 2017-2022 — Part I

Financial Judgement Day: Stunning Predictions for 2017-2022 — Part II

Financial Judgement Day: Stunning Predictions for 2017-2022 — Part III

(Or if you prefer, you can read the transcripts by clicking the appropriate link: Part I, Part II, or Part III.)

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2. Egon von Greyerz: Nine Steps To the Abyss

I do realise that bearers of bad news are unpopular figures. If they are right, nobody will thank them and many people will blame them. If they are wrong they will be ridiculed but, as most readers know, I am not here to be a prophet of doom and gloom. No, my purpose is just to tell things as I see them and to warn people about the massive risks that the world is now facing.

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3. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED: The Situation In the Markets Is Much Worse Than You Realize!

I honestly believe that those who read this article in full will understand the horrible predicament we are facing better than 99% of the population!

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4. Don Swenson: Is U.S. Financial Judgment Day Coming Due This Fall?

Watch what emerges in the coming months and ask yourself if the DAY OF FINANCIAL JUDGMENT is here! I am.

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5. Jim Rickards: Gold Could Jump To $5,000 Within Minutes! Here’s How & Why

A central bank’s worst nightmare is when they want inflation and can’t get it. The Fed’s tricks have all failed. Is there another rabbit in the hat? Actually, there is. The Fed could announce that effective immediately the price of gold was $5,000 per troy ounce which would cause massive inflation within 15 minutes.

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6. Monty Pelerin: A Hypothetical Look At A Possible Economic Apocalypse Outlook for the U.S.

The economic condition of the country continues to decline toward its rendezvous with an, as yet, unknowable catastrophe. As economic and political matters become more desperate, so will what the government considers acceptable. If a debt default cannot be engineered via continuous inflation, it will occur via a direct repudiation of obligations or a quasi-surreptitious one like the hypothetical one presented in this article…a look (not a prediction) at a series of not improbable events that could develop [and which] would change our economic world overnight. Viewed from this perspective, I don’t think such a move or something approximating it is out of the question.

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7. Here’s How (and Why) the Collapse of the U.S. Dollar Could Unfold

8. Michael Snyder: The U.S. Is Flat Broke & Your Personal Share Of the Debt Is $330,000!

We are living in the greatest debt bubble in the history of the world… I am searching for words to describe how completely and utterly insane this [situation] is, but I am coming up empty. We are slowly but surely committing national suicide, and yet most Americans don’t even understand what is happening.

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9. Mark Motive: Currency Collapse Coming: Go Get Gold NOW!

Nobody knows when the final crisis will occur, but like so many times throughout human history we are marching down a narrow path to the final catastrophe of our fiat currency system. [Let me explain why.]

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10. Financial Sense: Here’s the Timetable For the Upcoming Explosion Of the U.S. Debt Bomb

The U.S. national debt is not a problem, says Gary Shilling, until we either see “a tremendous amount of inflation or a complete breakdown in confidence in US Treasury obligations.” Once that happens, the world’s largest economy is at risk of an exploding ‘debt bomb.’

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11. There Are Similarities Between What Led Up To the Stock Market Crash of 1929 & What is Occurring Today

This article describes what led up to the stock market crash of 1929 and the ensuing Great Depression.

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12. Financial Crisis Observatory Supercomputer Sees Market Crash Or Correction In Months Ahead

One of the world’s most powerful supercomputers, retrofitted for trading the stock market, appears to be betting on a crash in the months ahead.

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13. Robert Kiyosaki: “It’s A Myth That Your Cost of Living Will Be Lower When You’re Retired! Here’s Why”

America is facing a retirement crisis. It is a ticking time bomb and most people have their heads in the sand. The long and the short of it is that the older you get, you don’t spend less, you just spend differently – and more. The fun goes down and the healthcare costs go up.

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  1. The problem is not IF but when. People that did not listen to doomsayers 5 years ago probably did very well for themselves but many things will be happening including the complete collapse of the dollar when China and Russia sell fuel with their own currency and gold.
    Nuclear attack on the USA still possible.
    Let’s not forget that MANY people do not have enough money to pay for more than mortgage/ rent and food.
    A pandemic would devastate the health care system since even with ” insurance” most people would not be able to pay major medical bills.
    Hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. Remember that insurance companies pay much LESS for storms that have names. How many people will now be BROKE as insurance companies will not pay out what is needed for people to get back on their feet.
    These people will not have money to spend to keep the economy afloat.
    The infrastructure will be stressed beyond quick fixes and governments will go bankrupt and try to tax their poor even more than they are now.
    Invest in eternity. This world is crashing.