Thursday , 25 April 2024

Search Results for: sovereign debt

Martin Armstrong Believes A Sovereign Debt “Big Bang” Is Underway – Here’s Why (+4K Views)

Martin Armstrong sees a peak in bond prices by October 1st, 2015 and a low in interest rates from that point forward - a "Sovereign Debt Big Bang" - and, as the defaults begin to materialize over the following 2 years, a run-up in stocks for safety with interest rates rising along with share prices. Below are excerpts from Armstrong's blog complete with notable charts of his Economic Confidence Model.

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European Sovereign Debt Crisis to End in a Catastrophic, Painful, Epic Meltdown! Are You Financially Prepared? (+2K Views)

I have a sinking suspicion - a feeling I just can’t shake - based on multiple fundamental, technical, and timing indicators....[that] the end is near. I’m not talking about some Mayan calendar apocalypse kind of thing....[but] a catastrophic, painful, epic meltdown-type endgame for this European sovereign debt crisis...[[Let me explain why I see that to be the eventual outcome.] Words: 810

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Sovereign Debt Defaults = Social Unrest + Much Higher Gold and Silver Prices

The magnitude of current private and government debt, coupled with massive unfunded contingent liabilities for promises of future services to their citizens, will prove to be impossible for many nations to fund. Massive inflation in the money supply will become the preferred vehicle to deflect the default monster and will result in vastly devalued currencies and price inflation as a prelude to default. Such action will be a desperate attempt to buy time to stave off the inevitable and will result in social unrest caused by persons whose comfortable lifestyle and elevated standard of living is about to disintegrate before their very eyes. Words: 1525

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Who is Next in the 'Game' of Sovereign Debt Default Dominos?

In a global crisis sovereign debt fears have the ability to be contagious destroying investor confidence in the capital markets of troubled countries and the overall global economy alike and when confidence wanes, capital flees it is a surefire recipe for falling dominoes. That's especially true today in the wake of a deep global recession that has left many countries with bloated deficits and debt loads. Words: 707

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Sovereign Debt Defaults Now Possible/Likely? (+2K Views)

Governments the world over have spent the past year bailing out, backstopping, insuring, and stimulating their financial sectors and economies throwing around trillions of dollars, euros, yen, and pounds like Halloween candy. Officials have assured us there’s little risk to that strategy but I believe that the opposite is true - that if you borrow and spend too much, all you’re going to do is transform a Wall Street debt crisis into a Washington debt crisis. Words: 882

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What Will Happen If (and probably when) the U.S. Debt Bubble Bursts? (+24K Views)

The madmen who are responsible for the coming economic disaster continue to behave as if they can manage to avoid it. Violating Einstein’s definition of insanity, they continue to apply the same poison that caused the problem. These fools believe they can manage complexities they do not understand. The end is certain, only its timing is unknown, and, once interest rates begin to rise, and they will, it's game over so it begs the questions "How much longer this can possibly go on?" and "What will happen to the U.S. and the world when it does?"

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