Thursday , 17 October 2024

Global Central Bank Gold Reserves Increase To Record High

…According to recently released data by the World Gold Council (WGC), as of September 2021, the total amount of gold held in reserves by central banks globally exceeded 36,000 tons for the first time since 1990.@$$4$

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…Many other nations have also been accelerating their gold buying and shedding their dollar reserves, and that is particularly true of Eastern European and Asian emerging economies. Just within the first nine months of 2021, Thailand added around 90 tons, India 70 tons and Brazil 60 tons…

@$This 31-year record was the result of the world’s central banks adding more that 4,500 tons of the precious metal to their holdings over the last decade and it provides ample support for the investment case for gold…

…It is essential for investors to pay close attention to this…[development]. As central bankers themselves clearly understand, as fiat currency debasement continues and even accelerates in the coming months and years, physical gold is set to provide the only reliable and time-tested haven from the storm that lies ahead. 

The above version of the original article by Claudio Grass was edited [ ] and abridged (…) to provide you with a faster and easier read.

Editor’s Note: The above article is sponsored by Dominique C. from Holland. You can become a sponsor, too, by going here and making a donation. You will receive a public or private acknowledgement (your choice) and also receive the 258-page e-book entitled WEALTH IF YOU WANT IT (introduction here) as a thank you. has joined to provide you with individual company research articles and specific stock recommendations in addition to munKNEE’s more general informative articles on the economy, the markets, and gold, silver and cannabis investing.
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