Silver Setting Up A Perfect Storm? Here’s What Needs To Happen
Lorimer Wilson
March 26, 2020
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…Today’s infographic is Part Two of the Silver Series (see Part One here), and it comes to us from Endeavour Silver, outlining some of the key supply and demand indicators that precede a coming gold-silver cycle in which the price of silver could move upwards. @A Financial Site For Sore Eyes & Inquisitive Minds
Editor’s Note: The original article by Nicholas LePan has been edited ([ ]) and abridged (…) above for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy. The author’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article. Furthermore, the views, conclusions and any recommendations offered in this article are not to be construed as an endorsement of such by the editor. Also note that this complete paragraph must be included in any re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.
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