Wednesday , 22 January 2025

These 3 “Wise” Men See A Major Economic Crash Any Day Now – Here Are Their Reasons Why (+2K Views)

Financial experts Robert Kiyosaki and Harry Dent (and Jim Rickards, too) are…warning that thestockcrashimages-1 next major economic crash is in our very near future…

This post is an enhanced version (i.e. not a duplicate) of the original by Michael Snyder ( in that it has been edited ([ ]), abridged (…) and reformatted (structure & font) by the editorial team at (Your Key to Making Money!)  to provide you with a faster and easier read. Enjoy!
During a recent interview Harry Dent said:
We are going to see -and I will stake my entire reputation on this – the biggest global bubble burst in history in the next four yearsThere’s only one way out of this bubble and that is for it to burst… All this stuff is going to reset back to where it should be without all this endless debt, endless printed money, stimulus and zero interest rate policy.
…Ultimately, Dent believes that…
The Dow…will hit 5,500 to 6,000 by late 2017…then it will rally and there’ll be some aftershocks into 2020…I think the worst will be over by 2020, but the worst of that will be by the end of 2017 [and] if that does happen, it will be a far worse crash than what we experienced back in 2008, and the economic consequences will be absolutely terrifying.
Robert Kiyosaki, another highly respected financial expert …predicted in his 2002 book “Rich Dad’s Prophecy” that 2016 would bring about the worst market crash in history, damaging the financial dreams of millions of baby boomers just as they started to depend on that money to fund retirement. Kiyosaki says the meltdown is under way, and there’s little investors can do but buy gold or silver and hope the Federal Reserve slows the slide…by embarking on another round of quantitative easing.  Even if that happens, though, Kiyosaki is absolutely convinced that eventually “it’s all going to come down”…[telling] MarketWatch that:
The combination of demographics and global economic weakness makes the next crash inevitable — but the Fed could stave it off with another round of quantitative easing, which might stimulate the economy…If we do, the stock market will come roaring back, but it’s not rocket science. If we stop printing money, it crashes; if we print money, it goes up but, eventually, it’s all going to come down.”
Jim Rickards is not quite as apocalyptic as Kiyosaki or Dent, but without a doubt he is deeply concerned about where the global economy is headed…[saying]:
Global growth is slowing both because of weakness in developed economies like Europe and Japan, and weakness in some of the emerging markets champions such as China, Brazil and Russia. The limits of monetary policy have been reached. The evidence is now clear that negative interest rates don’t stimulate spending; they are only good for devaluation in the ongoing currency wars. World trade is shrinking; a rare phenomenon usually associated with recession or depression.
He is exactly right.  The economic downturn that we are witnessing is truly global in scope.
  • Brazil has plunged into an economic depression,
  • the Italian banking system is in the process of completely melting down,
  • Japan has implemented negative interest rates in a desperate attempt to keep their Ponzi scheme going but it really isn’t working.  In fact, Japanese industrial production just crashed by the most that we have seen since the tsunami of 2011.
  • Here in the United States, investors are generally feeling pretty good right now because stocks have rebounded substantially in recent weeks.  However, Rickards is warning that this rebound is very temporary…[saying]:
Stocks are clearly in a bubble. The stock market is:
  • ignoring the strong dollar, which in turn hurts exports and devalues overseas earnings,
  • ignoring declining corporate earnings, 
  • ignoring imminent defaults in the energy sector, and 
  • ignoring declining global growth in general.

Never mind. As long as money is cheap and leverage is plentiful, there’s no reason not to bid up stock prices, and wait for the greater fool to bid them up some more.

There is so much that we could learn from all these three men but, sadly, just like we saw in 2008, most Americans are ignoring the warnings. The mainstream media has conditioned the public to trust them, and right now the mainstream media is insisting that everything is going to be just fine, so will everything be just fine as the months roll along? We will just have to wait and see.

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