Tuesday , 22 October 2024

Martin Armstrong’s Economic Confidence Model Shows That Everything Is Interconnected (+3K Views)

Martin Armstrong believes that EVERYTHING is connected and thistime and place interconnectedness is at the foundation of Armstrong’s Economic Confidence Model and his ability to predict what we call the future.

In February 2015, Armstrong wrote about his ability to forecast gold’s movements:

The implication of just the correct forecasts like this on gold go far beyond merely gold. What this demonstrates is that everything is truly connected. That means, if our computer models are correct, then a politician cannot actually run for office proclaiming vote for them and they will change everything. We are all just pieces of an interconnected world. That is the real implications of this forecast in gold.

The sooner we realize that what Socrates has accomplished is the revelation that absolutely everything is connected. There is nothing that ever takes place in absolute isolation…These forecasts are NOT my personal OPINION. They are not even my invention. They are the product of my DISCOVERY of time.

time and place

The Secret Cycle, The New Yorker Magazine article (October 12,2009) describes Armstrong’s discovery of the 8.6 year cycle:

One day, in a newspaper, he came across a list of financial panics that occurred between 1683 and 1907. On a lark, he divided the span (two hundred and twenty-four years) by the number of panics (twenty-six) and found that, on average, there had been a panic every 8.6 years. As he read more, he began to suspect that 8.6 was a highly significant number.

He discerned a recurrence of major turning points in the economy and in world affairs that followed a distinct and unwavering 8.6-year rhythm. Six cycles of 8.6 years added up to a long-wave cycle of 51.6 years, which separated such phenomena as Black Friday and the commodity panic of 1920, and the Second and Third Punic Wars.

…His model singled out, in advance, the day of the October, 1987, crash. “Never did I expect this to work on such a precise time level,” he wrote later, in an essay called “Understanding the Real Economy.” “It made no sense. I personally assumed it was just a fluke. This took place on the minor halfway point up the first leg of the 8.6-year cycle, at 2.15 years.”

Afterward, he was messing around with numbers and realized that 8.6 years was exactly three thousand one hundred and forty-one days: 3,141, the number pi times a thousand. The cycle mystery had deepened.

If pi was essential to the physical world, perhaps it somehow governed the markets, or the fluctuations in human behavior and mood that manifested themselves in the markets. It was, after all, the magic number associated with the swing of a pendulum, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, and the Great Pyramid at Giza. Why not the vast monuments of data known as the financial markets? “Suddenly I saw it in my mind’s eye,” he wrote. “There was a Geometry of Time itself.”

Armstrong wrote in Understanding The Real Economy (2009),

“I have spent a lot of time trying to comprehend how such a model can even work on a specific level to a precise day, years and decades in advance. The only explanation is the subject matter is so intensely complex that there is indeed a hidden order within what would appear to be random chaos.”

Armstrong’s ‘hidden order’, the idea that everything in the universe is interconnected is reflected in Buckminster Fuller’s Critical Path in which Fuller wrote in 1981: …mankind would soon be entering a period of unprecedented crisis, a crisis universally-intended to bring about the transformation of humanity.

The crisis that Fuller predicted is now underway. In 1981, Fuller predicted the collapse of the world’s power structures. In 1991, communism collapsed and, today, capitalism is failing as debt, credit’s fatal effluvia, has rendered today’s capital markets impotent in their frantic attempts to revive growth.

That today’s institutions—political, educational, religious, and economic—are increasingly unable to solve today’s problems is a sign that a new paradigm is being born and the passing of the old cannot be prevented.

The pendulum of time is in motion; to many, it will be a wrecking ball!

[The original article by Darryl Robert Schoon (drschoon.com) is presented here by the editorial team of munKNEE.com (Your Key to Making Money!) and the FREE Market Intelligence Report newsletter (see sample heresign up in the top right corner) in a slightly edited ([ ]) and/or abridged (…) format to provide a fast and easy read.] Related Articles from the munKNEE Vault:

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