Wednesday , 22 January 2025

Save Time & Stay Informed: Read These Financial Article Summaries

We all live extremely busy lives and often fail to keep up with the most informative articles posted on the internet. Below are links, with introductory paragraphs, to 20 very informative articles as posted on (an associate site).

The articles are related to Investing (gold/silver, the stock market, crude oil), the Economy (global/US, unemployment, debt and the money system) and Personal Finance (retirement, extra income and employment opportunities). You’re busy so just click on the title of the articles of interest to read them in their entirety.

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1. I’m Bullish On Gold for 3 Good Reasons – Here They Are

3-1-Kilo-Gold-Bars-e1270520569176In my opinion, there are three scenarios that could occur in the coming years when analyzing the global economy – and all three have the potential to offer bullish environments for the price of gold. [Let me explain the first and most likely reason.] Words: 660 (March 16th, 2012)


2. Moolman: Long-Term Chart Suggests Silver Will Comfortably Pass $150 By End of 2013

Silver BarsThanks to this similarity in events, as well as the similarity in sequence, of the price movement of silver from the beginning of 1966 to the beginning of 1980 with the end of 1999 to the end 2013, my analysis suggests that silver will comfortably pass $150 by that date. Let me explain my rationale. Words: 338 (March 15th, 2012)

3. Brent vs. West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil: Which is a Better Investment?

OILBeyond the attributes that set West Texas Intermediate Crude (WTIC) and Brent crude oil apart comes the question of which type of crude makes for a better investment. Recent historical data puts that question to rest, as one clear winner emerges. [Read on!] Words: 590 (March 15th, 2012)

4. Is Gold About to Go Parabolic to $3,495 in June ’13; $10,899 in Sept. ’14 and Top Out at $31,672 on Jan. 16, 2015?

buy-goldAccording to a recent Elliott Wave theory analysis gold is about to go parabolic reaching $3,495 in June 2013, $6,233 in April 2014, $10,899 in Sept. 2014, $18,712 in December 2014 and culminating in a parabolic peak price of $31,672 on January 16th, 2015! See the chart below. Words: 600 (March 14th, 2012)

5. “Bump-and-Run” Analysis Forecast $1,640 Gold 2 Weeks Ago – Take a Look

gold-correctionGiven the further correction in the price of gold and silver it warrants a revisit of my post of March 2nd in which I illustrated that such lower prices were a distinct possibility. Unfortunately for many uninformed investors, my analysis has unfolded as forecast. I also analyzed the USD and the broad stock market at that time which also continue to unfold within pre-determined patterns. Take a look. Words: 770 (March 14th, 2012)

6. Alf Field: Gold Retested $1,650 as Expected and Now is on Move to $4,500

gold_price_surges_weak_jobs_dataGold is still tracking well in line with Elliott Wave expectations [which foretold] a rally from the previous low followed by a further decline to [as low as $1,650 before going onwards and upwards. Let me explain the steps that brought me to that conclusion.] Words: 683 (March 14th, 2012)

7. Relax! Gold Correction Only a Lull Before Surge to $3,000 – $5,000! Here’s Why

gold-correctionOur forecast of much higher gold prices depends not one iota on the day-to-day ups and downs, no matter how extreme, in the yellow metal’s price. Instead, the average long-term price is entirely a function of world economic and political developments, which affect the intensity of investor interest (what we might call long-term hoarding demand) and on gold’s own supply/demand fundamentals. [Let me explain further.] Words: 500 (March 14th, 2012)

8. Charles Nenner: Cycle Analysis Predicts Dow to Peak in 2012 and Then Decline to 5,000!


Charles Nenner has been accurately predicting movements in the liquid markets for more than 25 years, and his most recent cycle analysis predicts that the current stock market rally is going to last through Q2 and then begin a major descent in 2013 – with the Dow eventually reaching 5,000!


1. The Millennial Cohort: A Look at Their Present Predicament, Their Future Economic Prospects

debtThough considered the most educated generation in history, the Millennial generation – young adults between the age of 18 and 29 who make up 25% of America’s population – is also living through one of the worst economic crises. From a weak job market to the global economic downturn, are the Millennials cut out for this market? [A look at the infographic below tells the story.] Words: 345 (March 18th, 2012)

2. Comparing Housing Bubble to Rising Cost of Higher Education Suggests Another Bubble Waiting to Burst – Here’s Why

debtGetting into a good university is not an easy feat and securing a job upon graduation in the current economic climate is not easy either…The biggest challenge for most university graduates, however, is paying off their education loan [which is] hardly surprising [given that] the sum of student debt is higher than credit card debt across the United States. It may sound preposterous that some have called higher education the next big bubble so read the following infographic, which compares the higher education bubble to the housing bubble, and decide for yourself. Words: 410 (March 17th, 2012)

3. Nouriel Roubini: Global Economy Faces These 4 Major Downside Risks

riskWhile recent developments seem to suggest some positive news for the global economy, there are at least four downside risks that could materialize this year – undermining global growth and eventually negatively affecting investor confidence and market valuations of risky assets. [Let me spell them out.] Words: 933 (March 17th, 2012)

4. Exposed: The Evolution of Fake Wealth Creation, Accelerating Debt Expansion and Inevitable Financial Implosion

Financial_Armageddon_3Only in a debt-based money system could debt be curiously cast as an asset. We’ve made “extend and pretend” a quaint phrase for a burgeoning market for financial lying and profiteering aimed toward preventing the collapse of a debt- (or lack-) based system that was already doomed by its initial design to collapse. This primer will detail the major components and basic evolution of fake wealth creation, accelerating debt expansion, hollowing out of the economy, and inevitable financial implosion. Words:1583 (March 17th, 2012)

5. You, Me and Online Media Piracy: How Much Does It Cost the U.S. Economy?

economy8Media piracy is a major issue faced by both consumers and industry groups. Since many people download music, movies and TV shows without paying just how much is such activity impacting employment opportunities and industry profits? Let’s find out. (March 15th, 2012)

6. U.S. Financial Problems Have Horrendous Implications for Markets and Systemic Stability – Here’s Why

economy-financial-black-holSystemic-solvency and liquidity issues continue to plague the Fed and to restrain U.S. economic activity. Bank lending remains impaired, household income has taken a new hit, annual and monthly growth in the broad money supply appears to be stalling, again and U6 unemployment levels are at staggering levels. These ongoing financial problems have horrendous implications for the markets and systemic stability. [Let me explain.] (March 13th, 2012)

7. Nouriel Roubini: Ignore the Recent Favourable Macroeconomic Data – US Economy to Remain Weak – Here’s Why

economy-downRecent favourable macroeconomic data has suggested that the U.S. economy could be back on track but the recent uplift in the economy only hides more fundamental problems…[The truth of the matter is that] US economic growth will remain weak and below trend throughout 2012 as a result of net exports continuing to be a drag and the Fed being unable, in the face of political constraints, [to do enough, soon enough,] to help the economy significantly… [Let me explain more fully why that is going to be the case.] Words: 950 (March 12th, 2012)

8. Europe’s Scariest Unemployment Chart – Ever

euroThe last time we plotted European youth unemployment…Spain was actually worse off than even Greece…Following the latest economic…update from Greece, however, things are back to normal, as Greek youth unemployment is officially the second one in Europe after Spain to surpass 50%. In other words, Europe’s scariest chart just got even scarier [as seen below]. Words: 370 (March 12th, 2012)

9. Financialization: Its Definition, Its Lifecycle and Its Impending Collapse

Capture(74)Financialization is like the bubonic plague–it constantly needs new victims as it kills off its existing hosts. Housing? Dead, killed by financialization, aided, abetted and powered by the Federal Reserve. Now the Fed wants to “save” what it already killed via financialization–housing–by buying $1 trillion in plague-infested mortgages and brute-force efforts to keep interest rates below inflation, i.e. negative rates.[Let me take this disease analogy further.] Words: 514


1. Gold Parties: The Latest “In” Thing – Here’s How to Throw Your Own Fun Party and Make a Nice Profit Too!

buy-goldInnovative and rewarding gold parties are popping up all over northern Colorado these days. [Could they be coming your way in the near future? Better yet, why don’t you make arrangements to have your very own! Here’s how.] Words: 460 (March 16th, 2012)

2. Unemployed? Under-employed? Bored? Check Out These 10 High-growth Jobs

job-market1Though unemployment has been wide-reaching across industries…[some] jobs, against all odds, are on the rise – a steep rise…So if you’re sick of your job and craving a new profession, now might be the time to head back to school and get that secondary degree in one of these 10 specializations. (March 15th, 2012)

3. The New Retirement Model is NO Retirement! Here’s Why

retireWelcome to the new model of retirement. No retirement. In 1983 sixty two percent (62%) of American workers had some kind of defined-benefit plan. Today less than 20% have access to a plan. The majority of retired Americans largely rely on Social Security as their de facto retirement plan [and the 35 and younger cohort are not able to save, or save enough, to eventually retire. True retirement is now a thing of the past except for a privileged few. Let me support this claim.] Words: 1091 (March 11th, 2012)